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  • 网络AUTHORIZED CAPITAL;stated capital
  1. 核定资本只有获得股东的同意才能增加。

    To increase the authorized capital the company must have the shareholders'approval .

  2. 在无法准确核定人力资本价值的前提下,用人力资本的工资来评价人力资本是恰当的。

    It is proper to evaluate human capital through its pay under the condition that it is unable to measure the human value .

  3. 第一项特别盈馀公积,除填补公司亏损或报经本会核定拨充资本外,不得使用之。

    The special reserve as referred to in the first paragraph shall not be used unless it is used to cover company losses or used as capitalization with the approval of the commission .