
què dìnɡ lì
  • determinative force
  1. 从行为效力看,其不具有拘束力、确定力;

    Of binding effect , determinative effect from its behavior effect ;

  2. 试论行政行为实质确定力的相对性

    A Comment on the Relativity of Substance Certainty Power of Administrative Action

  3. 不起诉决定确定力之比较

    Comparison Research on the Finality of Non-prosecution Decision

  4. 锤击试验中用响应时域波形确定力脉冲的合适宽度

    A new method for determing the proper force pulse width in a hammering test

  5. 有效成立的诉讼和解具有确定力、形成力和执行力。

    The effective compromise should have determination force , formation force and enforcement force .

  6. 不起诉决定绝对具有确定力或不具有确定力都存在其难以克服的弊端。

    To absolutely confirm or deny the finality of non-prosecution decision has its fatal defects .

  7. 终局性的司法裁判具有拘束力、确定力和执行力。

    Final and binding on the administration of justice to determine the force and execution .

  8. 这是全文的总结部分,也是对调查资料的分析研究和结论部分。不起诉决定确定力之比较

    This is the finality part of the whole thesis . Comparison Research on the Finality of Non - prosecution Decision

  9. 它包括判决在实质和形式上的确定力,判决在实质上的确定力就为既判力。

    It includes the determination in substance and in the form . The determination in substance of the verdict is res judicata .

  10. 不起诉决定确定力问题的关键在于该决定对起诉机关是否具有约束力。

    The key issue of the finality of non-prosecution decision is whether it can prevent a second prosecution by the decision maker .

  11. 诉讼和解的效力应当包括羁束力、形式的确定力、执行力和形成力。

    The effect of a compromise in the civil procedure should involve the restriction power , means determined power , executive power and formal power .

  12. 讨论基体裂纹的实现方法,确定力封闭的机械夹紧为基体裂纹的合理形成方式。

    Discuss the implementation method of matrix crack , confirm machinery fixing way of the force close system is the rational method to form the matrix crack .

  13. 研究骨的力电性质,目的在于确定力或电位与骨生长的关系,探索骨内应力及应力产生的电位影响骨细胞生长的作用机理。

    The researches on electromechanical behavior of bone for determining the relationships between voltages and bone remodeling are based on the understanding of how the potentials generated by stress influencing the bone cell growth .

  14. 从行政法学上看,政务微博行为属于行政事实行为,其效力问题有自身的特点,政务微博行为有公定力和确定力,无约束力和执行力。

    On administrative law point of view , the government microblogging behavior is an administrative factual behavior , its effectiveness has its own characteristics , consist of the public force and determined force , non-binding and execution .

  15. 行政行为的效力来源于法律,是对行政行为的一种法律保护,其内容包括公定力、确定力、拘束力和执行力。

    The validity of administrative act comes from the law , which is a kind of legislative protection to the administrative act , including the validity of presume-legal , invariableness , restriction , and the validity of fulfillment .

  16. 在力反馈方面,由软组织的质点-弹簧模型,确定力反馈算法,得到微器械与软组织碰触时的实时力反馈大小和方向。

    In aspect of force feedback , force feedback arithmetic is analyzed according to the mass-spring model of soft tissue . Then the value and direction of the real-time force feedback between instrument and soft tissue is gained .

  17. 其次,由于宏观调控行为涉及和利益更为重大、调控的对象更具不确定性,它的形式确定力比行政行为的更强,而实质确定力则弱一些。

    Secondly , the interest involved in macro-control action is more important , the object is more uncertainty , so the force without challenge of macro-control action is stronger than the administrative action while the force with no change is weak .

  18. 作为公法行为,宏观调控行为的效力内容与行政行为类似,但不包括执行力。且二者在公定力、确定力和拘束力方面的具体表观也不一致。

    As a public law action , the validity of macro-control action is similar to administrative action , but not including the execution . They are not consistent in de facto force , deterministic force and binding force on specific performance .

  19. 本部分采用行政法学界之通说,论述了具体行政行为效力的内容,主要分析了与具体行政行为的公定力、确定力、拘束力与执行力相关的特殊规则。

    By adopting the popular theory of administrative law circle , the author discusses the contents of the binding effect of concrete administrative act , mainly discussing the special rules relating to supposed effect , unchangeable effect , constraining effect and executive effect of the concrete administrative act .

  20. 确定应力强度因子KI的新方法

    A New Method for the Determination of Stress Intensity Factor K_I

  21. 讨论了断裂韧度,并对确定应力强度因子K的方法作了阐述。

    The method for ascertaining the stress intensity of factor K is explored .

  22. 在此对通过有限元的方法确定应力强度因子K进行了论述。

    Determination of stress intensity factors K by means of the finite element method is treated .

  23. 用光弹性法确定应力强度因子KⅠ的研究

    A Study on the Use of Photoelastic Method for the Determination of Stress Intensity Factors K_I

  24. 本文对光弹性确定应力强度因子KI的分析原理做了新的探索。

    A new investigation on the principle involved in the use of Photoelastic method for the determination of stress intensity factor K_I is made .

  25. Osterberg试桩法中确定承载力精度分析

    Analysis on Precision of Confirming Carrying Capacity for Osterberg Load Test Method

  26. 这里应用神经网络BP改进算法,根据应力集中点附近的三点应变值,建立应力集中点的网络模型,来确定应力集中点的最大应力值。

    In this paper , the author tries to use the improved neural network method to determine the maximum stress value by establishing the network model of the maximum stress concentration on the basis of strains at three points near the stress concentration point .

  27. 分析了基于Hertz接触理论的套管整形处的应力,给出了确定修复力的理论计算公式。

    In this method the casing is easily damaged at repairing operation . The stress is analyzed based on the Hertz contact mechanics and the theoretical repairing force is determined .

  28. 运用X~2优化参数估计法确定应力分布类型和分布参数,得到提速货车转K4转向架弹簧托板应力分布规律。

    By using of the method of parameter estimation , the distribution type and parameter of dynamic stress of spring plank was fixed on . The distribution of dynamic stress was obtained .

  29. 蠕变损伤的计算同样是基于弹性分析的结果,确定应力松驰历史,进而进行蠕变损伤计算。

    The creep damage is also calculated from the elastic results .

  30. 动光弹断裂中确定应力强度因子的方法

    The Method of Determining Stress Intensity Factor in Dynamic Photoelastic Fracture