
  • 网络Principle of certainty;deterministic rules;sure-thing principle
  1. 说明了什么是确定性原则以及遵守该原则的意义和作用;

    The definition of deterministic principle and its significance and effect are described .

  2. 称之为临床决策不确定性原则:无法同时获得既准确又完整的信息是不太可能的。

    Call it the Uncertainty Principle of Clinical Decision Making : simultaneously true and complete information cannot be attained .

  3. 其次,分析了我国建立和完善该制度的迫切性,并提出了我国建立该制度应遵循的原则:确定性原则、合理性原则、可预测性原则和本土化原则。

    Secondly the author discusses the urgency of establishing the system in our country and presents the principles we should abide by .

  4. 该部分首先阐述了罪行法定原则在刑事立法中的缺陷,例如罪刑设置不完整、确定性原则贯彻不足、立法合理性原则贯彻之不足等等。

    This part points out the defects and the amendments of the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime .

  5. 晚期思想极端化,形成了基于不确定性原则的不可能的交换,以“无”来重构世界存在的要素和背景,形成了荒诞玄学。

    Thirdly , based on the uncertainty rule , Baudrillard constructed the impossible exchange to form metaphysics , which deconstructs the elements and background of the world .

  6. 而与不纯正不作为犯直接相关的是罪刑法定原则的两个重要派生原则&明确性原则和确定性原则。

    There are two main derivative theory of the principle of legality have directly relationship with the Pseudo-Omission Crimes , that is , definite principle and positive principle .

  7. 而目前的最优潮流程序多以确定性原则为前提,难于处理大规模风电接入所带来的不确定性。

    At present , most optimal power flow ( OPF ) program is based on certainty principle , but it is difficult to deal with uncertainty caused by large-scale wind power integration .

  8. 公孙龙认为名实之间应该具备一一对应的确定关系,这种关系正是语言符号形式与意义结合时的语义确定性原则。

    The Gongsun Long think should have one to one to determine the relationship between name and reality , this relationship is the language of symbolic form and meaning of the semantic uncertainty principle .

  9. 本文对欧洲联盟法的一般法律原则中的基本权利原则、比例原则、平等原则、确定性原则以及国家责任原则进行了研究。

    The article analyses the principle of basic rights and obligations , the principle of equality , the principal of definiteness and the principle of state responsibility , all of which belong to the general legal principles .

  10. 他所主张的客观主义的犯罪论、双重预防的刑罚目的观和实现刑罚有效的刑罚及时性、公开性、确定性原则以及他所倡导的死刑废除论对后世刑法理论的发展产生了重大而深远的影响。

    His theories , such as Subjective Theory of Crime , Dual-preventive Penal Object , and Penal punctuality , openness , definiteness , especially his theory of Suspension of Death Penalty have an important and far-reaching influence on the development the criminal theories in late ages .

  11. 对于传统自适应控制器,由于是基于确定性等价原则的,所以忽略了参数估计的不确定性。

    Traditional adaptive controller is based on Certainty Equivalence principle , which neglects parameters estimation uncertainty .

  12. 给出了自适应控制算法用到的参数估计算法,并推导了基于确定性等价原则的标准自适应极点配置控制器和直接自适应双重极点配置控制器。

    Presented Parameters estimation arithmetic , derived standard adaptive pole-placement controller based on certainty equivalence principle and direct adaptive dual pole-placement controller .

  13. 不确定性既是合理原则的重要特征之一,也是它的重大缺陷。

    Uncertainty is an import an t character of the rule of reason .

  14. 人类自然语言的不确定性及其处理原则

    Uncertainty of human linguistic and processing principles

  15. 他们离经叛道,以不确定性为创作原则,向传统小说写作模式发起冲击。

    They wage a war against the traditional mode of fiction writing by resorting to uncertainty principle .

  16. 这些问题大致上可以分为二大类:一类是涉及到确定性用户平衡原则;

    It begins with a state-of-art review on transport bilevel programming problems taking into account behavior of network users'routing choice .

  17. 人格精神是具有稳定性和确定性的价值原则和价值观念的人格统一体的表现。

    The personality spirit is a performance that represents the principle and concept of value with the stability and certainty .

  18. 本文按照确定性计算的原则,通过抗倾覆稳定性校核公式反求法,对这类实际工况最大起重量的确定进行了分析和计算,结果与吊装施工的实际情况很接近。

    To resolve this problem , this paper proposes the overturning stability collating method according to the principle of definite calculation and the results worked out using this method greatly meet the practical condition .