
  • 网络Deep Water;deep water area;DeepWater;profundal zone
  1. 根据油气聚集规律和物源分析,形成于凹陷深水区的浊积扇沉积和斜坡带的扇三角洲前缘沉积,具有良好的生储盖组合,是有利的勘探目标。

    According to the theory of oil-gas accumulation and provenance analysis , deepwater turbidite fan deposits and fan delta front deposits can form favorable source-reservoir-cap rock associations for oil-gas and are the most prospective areas for exploration .

  2. 中国南海A盆地深水区古近系B组层序地层格架特征

    Characteristic of sequence stratigraphic trellis of B formation of Paleogene in deepwater area in the a basin of South China Sea

  3. 她在游泳池深水区挣扎着。

    She was floundering around in the deep end of the swimming pool .

  4. 他跳入深水区。

    He took the plunge into the deep end .

  5. 那是一份绝好的工作。你就像被抛到了泳池的深水区,一切都要靠自己。

    It 's a superb job . You get thrown in at the deep end and it 's all down to you

  6. 大多数游泳池都有深水区,在那里潜水是安全的。

    Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe .

  7. 一天,他们沿着医院的游泳池散步,Jim突然跳入泳池的深水区,他沉到了底部。

    One day while they were walking by the hospital swimming pool , Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end . He sank to the bottom .

  8. 对取自东菲律宾海深水区致密&半固结沉积物表层的新型铁锰结壳典型样品进行了X射线衍射、X射线荧光、电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱及加速器质谱研究。

    XRD , XRF , ICP-OES and ICP-MS analyses were carried out on typical new-type ferromanganese crusts sampled on the surface of compact to half-solid sediment from deepwater areas of the East Philippine Sea .

  9. 切变锋在浅水区域产生,向深水区移动,经历2小时左右消失,它的产生是由于近岸区域与10m深线以外区域的潮汐相位差所导致。

    The results suggested that the shear front be generated in the shallow area , then moved seaward and finally disappeared 2 hours later .

  10. BP以及业内其它公司可能被赶出墨西哥湾深水区,而这里是美国最具潜力的石油开发地区。对此,唐熙华辩称,改革可能会给继续钻探提供依据。

    With BP and the rest of the industry threatened with being shut out of the deep waters of the Gulf , the most promising US region for oil development , Mr Hayward argued reform could justify continued drilling .

  11. 当时它正在英国石油位于墨西哥湾深水区的潜在油田“Macondo”上执行勘探钻井。

    It was carrying out exploration drilling on BP 's Macondo prospect in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico .

  12. 温度和密度跃层的厚度分布为:由浅水区的小于30m增至深水区的大于90m;

    The distribution of thickness of the thermal and density layer increases from less than 30m in shallow water to more than 90 m in the deep water layer .

  13. 东中国海Lagrange环流的模拟结果表明:潮致余流在黄海和东海北部的浅水区较为显著,而在深水区和东海陆架南部较弱;

    Results of lagrange circulations indicate : tidal residual circulations are more evident in the shallow water of the Yellow Sea and North of the East Sea , but weaker in the deep water and South of the East Sea shelf .

  14. 对于南海北部深水区冬季局地风应力与浮力通量的作用相反量级相同,黑潮对南海北部SSH的控制作用在冬季显得最重要,约占50%~80%;

    SSH is positive in deep water region of the north of 18 ° N throughout the year ; in winter , in deeper water area the effect of local wind stress and buoyancy flux is opposite effect on the SSH but the same in value ;

  15. 剖面变化的短期预测:EOF时空分解前2个特征函数可以较好的概括剖面变化特征,其中两个特征函数分别表征浅水区和深水区的变化。

    ( 5 ) The prediction of profile change in the short-time period . The first and second eigenfunctions of EOF could explain the main change characteristic , one shows the changes of the shallow water zone and the another shows deep water zone .

  16. 煤田地震勘探在深水区的应用

    An Example of Coal Seismic Prospecting Applied in a Deep Water Area

  17. 南海北部深水区白云凹陷古近系烃源岩的早期预测

    Early Forecast and Evaluation Study on Chief Source Rock in Baiyun Depression

  18. 南海北部深水区中新世生物礁发育特征

    The Miocene reef development characteristics in northern South China Sea

  19. 特殊挖掘料斗在深水区河道清理中的应用研究

    Special Excavation Hopper ′ s Application in Stream Cleaning of Profundal Zone

  20. 她跳入游泳池的深水区。

    She jumped in the pool at the deep end .

  21. 还可以乘玻璃平底船到深水区去观鱼探海。

    Still can take glass gondola to deep sea fish area to agent .

  22. 改革的深水区便是农地产权制度的改革。

    The deep end of reformation is of that farmland property rights system .

  23. 珠江口盆地深水区新生代构造沉积演化

    Cenozoic tectonic and sedimentary evolution of deepwater area , Pearl River Mouth Basin

  24. 潮汐深水区裸岩地质环境中的桥墩基础施工关键技术

    Key Technology For Bridge Pier Foundation Construction in Tidal Environment with Bare Rock

  25. 基于随机波浪谱对深水区自升式平台动力响应分析

    Dynamic response analysis of deep water jack-up platform based on random wave spectrum

  26. 因为这里是唯一还有深水区的地方

    because it 's the last place where there 's still deep water .

  27. 深水区大型抗风浪网箱配套设施系统

    The Kit Facilities System of Large Anti-stormy Waves Cages In The Deep Water Area

  28. 黄海中部深水区底拖网渔业资源及保护的探讨

    The fishery resources in the deeper area of the Middle Yellow Sea and its conservation

  29. 深水区&南海北部大陆边缘盆地油气勘探新领域

    Deepwater area & the new prospecting targets of northern continental margin of South China Sea

  30. 那船张起了帆,正在向深水区移动。

    The ship , with sails set , was moving now towards the deep water .