
  1. 本文论述了行政公共关系的涵义、构成要素、原则及加强我国行政公关建设的对策和意义。

    This paper deals with its meaning , formative elements , principles and how to strengthen our administrative public relations .

  2. 资源教师的职责可归纳为6个方面:鉴定与评估、教学与指导、咨询与沟通、行政事务、公共关系和资源教室方案研究;

    The responsibilities of resources room teachers should include six dimensions as following : identification and assessment , teaching and instruction , consultation and communication , civil service , public relationship and RRP studies .

  3. 其发展优势表现在:主营业务的竞争优势、新兴业务领域优势、两码的垄断优势、行政支持优势以及公共关系融洽等五个方面。

    The advantages are : the competition advantages of the main business , the field advantage of emerging business , monopolistic advantage of organization code and commodity bar code , the advantage of administrative support and harmonious public relations .

  4. 本文通过对行政法与公共行政关系的演进的分析,将行政自由裁量权放在行政法发展的历史背景中去考量,把握行政自由裁量权的全貌。

    This dissertation , based on the analysis on the relationship between administrative law and the evolvement of public administration , analyzes administrative law in the background of the historical development and try to get an overall review of administrative discretionary power .

  5. 认真分析行政失信的成因,加强行政诚信的培育意义重大。行政诚信与公共行政关系研究

    Therefore , it is very important to analyze the causes resulting in loss of administrative credibility to improve administrative credit education . Study on the Relationship between Honesty in Administration and Public Administration

  6. 在网络经济条件下,工商行政管理工作需要转变管理观念,加快由行政执法向行政技术执法的转变,加强立法工作。论工商行政管理公共关系

    This article reflects on the reform of the industrial and commercial management to meet the demands of the network economy . On the Relation between Industrial and Commercial Administration and Public Relations