
  1. 行政案卷制度论纲

    On the System of the Administrative Files

  2. 因此,行政案卷制度对行政法治建设而言,具有基础性、根本性意义。

    So , Administrative Record System has basic and fundamental impact to administrative legal construction .

  3. 行政案卷评查制度是行政程序法的重要组成部分,是行政程序的具体化制度范畴。

    Administrative files evaluation system , an important part of the administrative procedure law , is the specific performance of the procedure .

  4. 我国行政案卷排他制度问题研究

    The Study of Administrative Record Exclusion System in China

  5. 建立海事行政执法案卷评查制度之我见

    Some views on the establishment of the examination and appraisal system for maritime administrative enforcement archives

  6. 并对行政案卷排他制度的配套措施作了一些概括性、原则性的讨论。

    And have made some general , principled discussion in administrative records exclusion system equipped measures .

  7. 从制度实践来看,目前大多数省份都出台了关于加强行政执法案卷评查制度建设的文件并且已经建立了包括行政处罚、行政许可和行政强制在内的行政执法案卷评查制度。

    From the practice of system , most provinces have released documents on strengthening administrative files evaluation system and have established administrative law enforcement files evaluation system which includes administrative punishment , administrative licensing and administrative compulsion .

  8. 参与原则的实现需要以下保障:听取意见制度、行政公开制度、行政案卷制度等行政程序制度的建立和完善;

    Following safeguards are needed to realize the principle of participation : the establishment and improvement of administrative procedural systems including administrative openness , administrative records and so on ;

  9. 笔者认为,要实现我国的行政程序法治,必须尽早建立健全行政案卷制度。

    The author asserts that China should establish the system as earlier as possible in order to achieve the rule of law in administrative procedure .