
  1. 判决被诉行政机关向行政相对方公开赔礼道歉;

    The charged administrative organ will make a public apologize to the counterpart ;

  2. 依职权行政不作为是一种无特定行政相对方,侵害公共利益的违法行为。

    Administrative Nonfeasance Based on Authority , which is one kind illegal act without special private party in the administrative process , infringes upon public advantage .

  3. 行政审批制度是规范行政审批行为的制度体系,是国家行政机关依法处理相对方的申请,依法赋予行政相对方从事某种活动的法律资格或实施某种行为的法律权利的各项具体制度的总称。

    This system is a institution to standardize the progress of the administrative examination and approval , and it includes how national administrative organs deal with applications , endow applicants certain lawful qualifications and rights to carry out certain activities and conducts .

  4. 然而,由于环境行政合同主体在法律关系中的不同地位,因而,在发生纠纷时环境行政合同相对方如何运用救济制度保障自己的权益,就非常值得探讨。

    However , because of the different status between the tow main bodies of the environment administration contract , so when the dissension occurred , how to protect the interest of one party is worth to research .

  5. 加强行政审判工作,是依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的战略需要,重点应放在依法治权、依法治官、依法保护行政相对方的合法权益上。

    To enhance administration trial work is a strategic need to rule the country by law and build socialist country ruling by law . Its focus should be put on managing the power and government officials by law , and protect lawful rights of administrative sides .

  6. 所谓行政侵权是指行政主体通过公务员实施了违法或不当的行政职权行为,造成了行政相对方法益的损害,其结果是国家通过行政侵权主体给予受害的行政相对方一定的法律救济。

    The administrative tort refer to the illegal or improper authority activities of administrative agents through civil servants , causing the harm of private party which arise legal remedies by the state through the administrative agents to suffered private party .