
shòu àn fàn wéi
  • scope of accepting cases
  1. 土地承包经营纠纷仲裁具有受案范围特定、仲裁程序启动的单方性和可选择性、仲裁裁决的非终局性等特征。

    Rural land contract arbitration has such characters as special scope of accepting cases , unilateral and optional arbitration procedure start-up , non-final arbitration .

  2. 行政诉讼受案范围是行政诉讼制度的重要问题,是实现公民权利的重要保障。

    The scope of accepting cases of administrative procedure is a significant issue in administrative procedure system , and an important guarantee of civil right as well .

  3. WTO环境下我国行政诉讼受案范围的研究论检察机关环境行政公益诉讼参加人的确立

    Research on the Scope of Reviewable Administrative Actions in China under WTO Environment ; The Establishment of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit Partner of Procurator

  4. 从理论上讲,ODR的受案范围是很宽泛的。

    In theory , the scope of accepting cases in ODR is very broad .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO,过于狭窄的原行政诉讼受案范围已经不能适应WTO形势及其相应规则的需要,扩大行政诉讼受案范围势在必行。

    With China 's entry into WTO , it must be enforced to enlarge the scope of the accepting cases for the original limited one doesn 't adapt to the situation of WTO and its relevant rules .

  6. 为防止ICSID管辖权的任意扩张,东道国可在国际投资协定中综合采用广义和狭义的投资定义,以便限制ICSID的受案范围。

    The host states would comprehensively adopt a broad definition and a narrowed definition in the international investment treaties to circumscribe the scope of investment disputes submitted to ICSID for preventing arbitrary expansion of its jurisdiction .

  7. 对中国行政诉讼受案范围的反思

    The shortcomings and perfections On scope of accepting cases of administration

  8. 抽象行政行为应纳入行政诉讼受案范围

    Administrative Action Should Be Brought into the Jurisdiction of Administrative Procedure

  9. 我国行政诉讼受案范围规范体系之崩溃与重构

    On Collapse & Reconstruction of Acceptance of Cases of Administrative Lawsuits

  10. 是否属于行政诉讼受案范围;

    Whether to belong to administration litigation scope or not ;

  11. 重构行政诉讼受案范围的基本问题

    Reconstruction of the Scope of Accepting Cases of Administrative Procedure

  12. 论劳动争议受案范围法规的完善

    On Improving the Statutes of the Limits of Settling the Labor Dispute

  13. 试论我国行政诉讼的受案范围

    On Range of Accepting and Hearing Cases of Administrative Litigation

  14. 行政诉讼受案范围的重新解读&以法律适用为视角看《行政诉讼法》相关制度的修改

    On the Misconstruction of the Scope of Accepting Cases in Administrative Litigation

  15. 教育行政诉讼的受案范围问题研究。

    The rights of receiving education must be protected by judicial remedies ;

  16. 论行政诉讼受案范围之立法技术

    On Legislative Technique concerning the Scope of Acceptable Cases in Administrative Procedure

  17. 简论督促程序的受案范围和条件

    General discuss on the document scope and conditions of the supervision procedure

  18. 体育仲裁受案范围研究

    The Study on the Case Scope of Sports Arbitration

  19. 本文拟从扩大行政诉讼受案范围出发,扩大对公民权益的保护范围。

    This paper tends to enlarge the scope of protecting the human rights .

  20. 完善我国行政诉讼受案范围立法的思考

    Improve the Scope of China 's Administrative Litigation Legislation

  21. 中国反倾销司法审查受案范围研究

    A Study on the Coverage of the Anti - dumping Cases in China

  22. 其次,应尽快明确反垄断民事诉讼的受案范围和诉讼管辖。

    Secondly , scope of accepting case and jurisdiction should be clearly defined .

  23. 针对行政诉讼的受案范围,文章提出几点修改建议。

    This paper arises some amendment suggestions to the scope of acceptable cases .

  24. 首先,概述了教育行政诉讼受案范围的含义及研究意义。

    The second part talks about General Introduction of Administrative Litigation of Education .

  25. 第三是受案范围的不断拓宽;

    The third is widening the case - acceptance .

  26. 行政诉讼受案范围是我国行政诉讼法中一个热点问题。

    The scope of accepting cases is a key point in the administrative procedure .

  27. 围绕这一思路,从概念分析、提起主体、受案范围和程序等方面具体论述如何进行规制。

    The prescriptions about conception , principal part , case range and procedure are depicted .

  28. 论人民法院民事诉讼受案范围

    The Scope of Acceptance of Civil Cases

  29. 政府采购法关于行政诉讼受案范围规定之缺失

    The Defects of Government Procurement Act Concerning the Scope of Accepting Cases in Administrative Litigation

  30. 体育仲裁制度应包含受案范围、仲裁机构、管辖、仲裁程序和举证责任分配等内容。

    It has the main mechanism of Jurisdiction , effectiveness and the distribution of proof-collecting responsibilities .