
  1. 看样子你打架受伤了,是谁把你打得鼻青眼肿?

    You look like you 've been in the wars ─ who gave you that black eye ?

  2. 她险些儿受伤了。

    She narrowly escaped injury .

  3. 豹向来单独猎食,所以如果受伤了就无法捕猎。

    A leopard hunts alone , and an injured leopard cannot hunt

  4. 有过交火,其间那名持枪歹徒受伤了。

    There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded

  5. 汽车翻倒,他的双腿受伤了。

    The car was turned over and his legs were injured .

  6. 他受伤了,并因此收入受损。

    He was injured and suffered a consequential loss of earnings .

  7. 在一次车祸中他的左臂受伤了。

    He injured his left arm in a car accident .

  8. 她边哭边说她的脚受伤了。

    She wailed that she had hurt her foot .

  9. 我受伤了,而且很疼。

    I 'm wounded and in pain .

  10. 我的第一次马拉松比赛。在我第一次马拉松比赛前一个月,我的一个脚踝受伤了,这意味着两周内不能参加比赛,但我只剩下两周的训练时间了。

    My First Marathon 。 A month before my first marathon , one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks , leaving me only two weeks to train .

  11. 但我知道她不能忍受寒冷,因为她的腿受伤了。

    But I know she she can 't stand the cold because her legs hurt .

  12. 令我惊讶的是,丹尼站起来只说了这么句话:“我不会跟你去的。我爸爸的背受伤了,工作也丢了。”

    To my surprise , Danny stood up and said simply , " I won 't go with you . My dad hurt his back and lost his job . "

  13. 她并不是真的受伤了,只不过装模作样而已。

    She 's not really hurt ; it 's just pretence2 .

  14. 我们最佳的防守员受伤了,今天不能参加比赛。

    Our best defender is injured and won 't be able to play today .

  15. 他用两手和两个膝盖爬行。尽管腿受伤了,他还是爬得很快,然后从甲板上一盘缆绳下面找出一把长刀。

    He was on his hands and knees and , although his leg hurt him , he moved quickly across the deck and took a long knife from among some ropes .

  16. “几场友谊赛之前我本来就有机会入选的,但我很不走运的受伤了,”他在FATV上说。

    " A couple of friendlies ago I was maybe going to get called up for one of them but unfortunately I got injured ," he added on FATV .

  17. 如果玛丽受伤了,杰弗瑞会把她送回家。

    If Mary hurt herself , Jeffery would carry her home .

  18. 周二训练时他受伤了,我觉得我们得等3周。

    I think we 're looking at three weeks for him .

  19. 杰克:你应该早点儿告诉我你受伤了。

    JAKE : You should have told me you hurt yourself .

  20. 但她受伤了,我会找到她的。

    But she was wounded , and I will find her .

  21. 我受伤了是吗?我伤得很重,拉里。

    Am I hurt ? I 'm hurt bad , larry .

  22. 快叫医生来,有一个人受伤了。

    Send for a doctor ; a man has been hurt .

  23. 那个男孩在下班回家的路上受伤了。

    The boy got hurt on his way home from work .

  24. 他的胸口受伤了,河水不断灌进他的肺里。

    His chest hurt , and water kept filling his lungs .

  25. 另一个士兵踩上地雷受伤了。

    Another soldier was injured when he stepped on a landmine .

  26. 我想贝巴膝盖受伤了,我们得做检查。

    I thought Dimitar had got a knock on the knee .

  27. 知道我将离开你觉得受伤了吗?

    Does it hurt To know I 'll never be there ?

  28. 一个押送他的纽约探员也受伤了。

    A New York City police detective got shot with him .

  29. 我的腿受伤了,不能独立行走。

    My leg got injured . I can 't walk independently .

  30. 我觉得我在这个世界里被剥夺了选举权,我受伤了。

    I feel disenfranchised from this world , and it hurts .