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  1. 当我们从政治伦理标准的角度出发,将目光凝聚到周代的选拔官吏政策上,则不难发现,其显然受德的影响。

    When we examine the policy of government official selection of the Zhou Dynasty in the perspective of political and moral principles , we can find out an impact of virtue on the policy .

  2. 据《卫报》援引不具名的政府消息人士说,卡梅伦积极推进全民公投,意在利用保守党的支持并且避免公投受德法2017年选举的影响。

    According to the Guardian newspaper , which cited unnamed government sources , Cameron is keen to move the referendum forward , in order to capitalise on Tory support and to avoid being caught up in the French and German elections in 2017 .

  3. 但是,我国时效制度的很多规定是继受前苏联和德日等国的相关规定而设置的。

    System of limitation of action in china inherits that of the former Soviet Union , Germany or Japan .

  4. 乔伊起初拒受,于是钱德发明了“夺杯”的游戏,乔伊欢天喜地赢了许多钱。

    Joey won 't take it , but Chandler invents a game called " Cups " and lets Joey win the money .

  5. 塔萨代人解释说,他们是受伊里杂德的压迫才住进山洞并表现出石器时代的样子的。

    The Tasadays explained that they had moved in the caves and behaved in a stone-age manner because of pressure from Elizalde .