
shòu gù
  • be employed;employment;pay
受雇 [shòu gù]
  • [pay;be employed] 受人雇用

  • 受雇担任保镖

受雇[shòu gù]
  1. 在中国女性受雇机会少且经常被辞退。

    The opportunity to be employed in China for female is less than the male .

  2. 低于最低年龄的人不得在船上受雇、受聘或工作。

    No person below the minimum age shall be employed or engaged or work on a ship .

  3. 她连续不断地受雇于人,一直工作到六十五岁。

    She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five .

  4. 她受雇在一家饭店做厨师。

    She was employed as a cook in a hotel .

  5. 三年来他一直受雇当消防员。

    For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter .

  6. 他现在受雇为顾问。

    He is currently engaged as a consultant .

  7. 伯特是不受雇于任何人的自由演员。

    Bert was a footloose , unemployed actor .

  8. 其他人暗示他受雇于克格勃。

    Others hinted that he was in the employ of the KGB

  9. 3,000余名当地人受雇于旅游业。

    More than 3,000 local workers are employed in the tourism industry

  10. 许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。

    Many are employed in the prison 's wood and metalwork factories .

  11. 你受雇做这个工作有多久了?

    How long have you been employed at this job ?

  12. 约翰昨天签约受雇。

    John signed on yesterday .

  13. 我是个新雇员,我是昨天才受雇的。

    I 'm a new employee . I was hired yesterday .

  14. 她受雇于一个苹果园主。

    She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard .

  15. 这些姑娘从不受雇去做佣人的工作。

    These girls never hired out to do servants work .

  16. 他受雇把捣乱者赶走。

    He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers .

  17. 她受雇做助理护士。

    She is employed as an auxiliary nurse .

  18. 他已经受雇于这家公司将近40年了。

    He has been in the employ of the company for nearly forty years .

  19. 大批女工以最低工资受雇。

    Large numbers of female workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay .

  20. 一百年前,三分之一的美国工人受雇于农场。

    A hundred years ago one in three American workers was employed on a farm .

  21. 男性的起薪更高,会得到更多的指导,也有更大的受雇几率。

    Men score higher starting salaries , have more mentoring , and have better odds of being hired .

  22. 有些人不尊重他们受雇的公司,说自己感到疲惫和空虚。

    Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and empty .

  23. 弗兰克·赫尔利是一位自信而有天赋的澳大利亚摄影师,因对南极非常了解,他受雇拍摄这些照片,其中大部分都没有出版过。

    Frank Hurley , a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic , was hired to make the images , most of which have never before been published .

  24. 劳动人口中一大部分受雇于农业。

    A large part of the workforce is employed in agriculture .

  25. 这些姑娘从不受雇去做佣人的工作

    These girls never hired out to do servants ' work .

  26. 那协定对于受雇的人们有助益

    The agreement inures to the benefit of the employment .

  27. 与传统的办公环境不同,合伙办公的人员通常受雇于不同的机构。

    Unlike in a typical office environment , those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization .

  28. 我秘密受雇于人,先生,船长说,这位先生让我去哪儿我就去哪儿。

    I was employed , sir , said the captain , on secret orders , and to sail this ship where that gentleman ordered me to sail it .

  29. 高新技术区指的是有大量高技术人员居住的高档且配套完善的郊区或城镇。居民受雇于附近的办公园区,园区中多是高新技术产业。

    Nerdistan is an upscale and largely self-contained suburb or town with a large population of high-tech1 workers employed in nearby office parks that are dominated by high-tech industries .

  30. 1960年,就在肖恩·康纳利签约007系列电影之前,一位名叫格雷维尔·韦恩的销售员受雇于军情六处和中央情报局从莫斯科带回苏联机密。

    In 1960 , just before Sean Connery signed up to be 007 , a salesman named Greville Wynne was recruited by MI6 and the CIA to carry Soviet13 secrets back from Moscow .