
zhuāng bàn
  • dress up;disguise;attire;adornment;adorn;masquerade;deck out;spruce up;play-act;titivate
装扮 [zhuāng bàn]
  • (1) [disguise;masquerade]∶化装

  • 装扮成黑人

  • (2) [dress up;attire;deck out]∶打扮

装扮[zhuāng bàn]
  1. 你觉得你的装扮如何?

    How do you feel when you dress up ?

  2. 指人人都喜欢美的事物。也指人们喜欢将自己装扮的美丽。

    Everyone Loves Beauty and people would like to dress up making themselves look good .

  3. 鬅客式装扮又时兴起来了。

    The punk look is back in fashion .

  4. 他们装扮成保安人员混了进去。

    They got in disguised as security guards .

  5. 咱们装扮成太空人吧。

    Let 's pretend we 're astronauts .

  6. 孩子们都喜欢装扮成别人玩儿。

    Kids love dressing up .

  7. 目前,20世纪50年代的装扮正流行。

    The 1950s look is all the rage at the moment .

  8. 如果他们想做异性装扮,可以。

    If they want to cross-dress that 's fine .

  9. 休伊特装扮成供热工程师从而进入大厅。

    Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer .

  10. 很多大楼都被装扮一新。

    Many buildings have been spruced up

  11. 他一副滑稽的装扮。

    He was wearing that ridiculous disguise

  12. 为运动会所作的装扮给原本毫无生气的城市增添了一抹亮色。

    The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city .

  13. 她装扮得整整齐齐,却无处可去炫耀。

    She dressed herself up and found nowhere to show up .

  14. 她装扮成男人。

    She was attired as a man .

  15. 装扮成朋友的敌人是最危险的。

    The most dangerous enemy is one who pretends to be a friend .

  16. 他把自己装扮成新郎。

    He played that he was a groom .

  17. 2.Figureoutwhattowear.职场装扮要得体你穿去面试的服装也许不适合穿去上班。如果没有人告诉你着装规范,你可以问别人穿什么衣服上班比较合适。

    If you haven 't been given a dress code , ask what the appropriate attire2 is for your workplace .

  18. 不知道如何装扮成一个君子的人无法赢得尊重。

    He who knows not how to dissimulate , can not reign .

  19. 在假期装饰房屋的人就称为假日房屋装扮者。

    People who decorate their house in this way are known as houseblingers .

  20. 他装扮成水手

    He garbed himself as a sailor .

  21. 索比的计划是装扮成一个下流、讨厌的“捣蛋鬼”

    It was Soapy 's design to assume the role of the despicable and execrated ' masher ' .

  22. 一些人在圣诞节“装扮”房屋用于募捐慈善,而还有些人纯粹是出于乐趣。

    Some people ' bling up ' their house at Christmas to raise money for charity , while others do it purely1 for fun !

  23. 假日房屋装扮是英语中的一种通俗说法,意思是在圣诞节用大量的彩灯装饰房屋的外观。

    Houseblinging is an informal English word that means to decorate the outside of a house at Christmas with a giant display of flashing lights .

  24. 米洛排名下滑一部分得归咎于她亮相《XFactor》选秀节目时的装扮,当时她穿了一件花边紧身连衣裤。

    Minogue 's slide was partly blamed on her appearance on television talent show the X Factor wearing a figure-hugging lace catsuit .

  25. 宠物社区(PetSociety)是Facebook上最流行的社交游戏之一,用户在里面可以花1美元购买一顶数字帽子,来装扮自己的虚拟宠物。

    On Pet Society , one of the most popular social games on Facebook , users can pay $ 1 for a digital bonnet to adorn their virtual pet .

  26. 同志偶像LadyGaga滑稽夸张又昂首阔步的风格是成功消化乌苏拉触手装扮的必要条件。

    Gay icon Lady Gaga has got the campy swagger that 's necessary to successfully step into Ursula 's tentacles .

  27. 我想知道,JANE是这样做到这一切的,由于,此刻我开始考虑,我自己能否装扮成女人外出。

    I wanted to know how Jane managed to pull this off as I now started to think about if it was possible for myimmolation to pass as a woman .

  28. 领带的消亡被归咎于Facebook和谷歌等创意产业和在线交易公司的兴盛,这些企业一般不会规定穿正式服装,而倾向于更休闲的装扮。

    Its demise is being blamed on the boom in creative businesses , such as Facebook and Google , and online trading companies where formal dress codes tend to be shunned in favour of a more casual approach .

  29. 隔壁的布拉诺岛年轻人装扮成刚朵拉船(Gondola)的船夫,用桑德拉船(Sandolo)将游客从汽轮摆渡到岛上的村子来。

    Young men from Burano , the next island , dress up as gondoliers and ferry tourists from the steamer to the village in sandolos .

  30. 埃尔德曼对雅思Shine网站的记者表示:我本来只想就每天在装扮、吃饭、闲聊上花多长时间写一个短期性的时间安排指南,但后来这本书涉及的东西越来越多。

    I initially meant to write a short-term time guide to how long we spend each day on grooming , eating , gossiping , but the book grew into something broader . Alderman told Yahoo ! Shine .