
  • 网络decoration art;decorative design;Art Decoration Design
  1. 希望通过我们的研究与实践,能给现代装饰艺术设计的发展提供一些有建设性的意见。

    We wish that our study can offer some practical suggestions for the development of modern decoration art design .

  2. 居住空间环境绿色装饰艺术设计初探

    Talk to live space environment green decorate art design

  3. 诗意的空间&解读装饰艺术设计

    Poetic Space & Understanding Decorative Art Design

  4. 装饰艺术设计中的情感元素

    Emotion element in the ornamental art design

  5. 中国图腾图形神奇独特,是现代装饰艺术设计的奇葩珍瑰。

    Magical totem art unique , exquisite , decorative art and design is wonderful Jane Rose .

  6. 一定不要错过巴西的拉塞尔达电梯,巨大的垂直柱和装饰艺术设计使其成为萨尔瓦多地平线上一道亮丽的风景线。

    There is no missing the Lacerda Elevator in Brazil which stands out on the Salvador skyline , thanks to its large , vertical column and Art Deco design .

  7. 第一封圣诞卡是1843年由维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(世界上最大的装饰艺术和设计博物馆)的老板HenryCole先生发出的。

    The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole , boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum .

  8. 本文详细介绍了CG的定义、组成、特征和其应用,提出了基于CG上的三维数字装饰艺术的设计构想。

    This article was focused on the concept , constitutes , character and application of the CG and gave some experimental designs on CG .

  9. 近代装饰艺术与设计的影响和意义

    The Impact and Significance of Modern decorative Art and Design in the Construction Industry

  10. 无纺布可以平原(在一个肤色或一个简单的模式),也可以是在装饰或艺术设计,包括挂毯编织。

    Woven cloth can be plain ( in one colour or a simple pattern ), or it can be woven in decorative or artistic designs , including tapestries .

  11. 为突出装饰艺术效果所设计的灯光控制程序;

    Puts forward a lighting control process to highlight the artistic effect of decoration ;

  12. 嬗变与发展&从装饰艺术到工业设计进程中设计观念的改变

    Transmutation and Development & On the Design Conception Change from the Process of Decoration Art to Industrial Design

  13. 首先,论文从功能、材质、形态和风格特征几个方面,分析的装饰织物艺术设计风格的含义。

    Firstly , the thesis analyzes the signification of art design style of interior decorative textiles , from its function , texture , shape and character .

  14. 基于目前市场上流行的.室内设计风格,归纳了装饰织物艺术设计风格的种类及各自的特色。

    Then the article concludes the categories and features of art design style of interior decorative textiles , basing on popular styles of interior design on current market .

  15. 皖南古村落建筑装饰艺术对现代设计的启示&以西递、宏村为例

    Revelation of Architectural Decoration Art of the Ancient Villages in the South of Anhui Province in China to the Modern Art Design : Taking Xidi and Hongcun as the Example

  16. 装饰艺术在观众厅设计中的运用

    Use of decorative art in auditorium 's design

  17. 装饰艺术在现代居室设计中的运用

    Decorating Art Applied in Modern House Design

  18. 现代居住空间的绿化装饰是室内环境艺术设计的重要组成部分。

    Greening decoration of modern living space is an important part of the indoor environmental designing .

  19. 研究装饰艺术的回潮,对重新认识装饰艺术与产品设计都具有非常重大的意义。

    Study on the return of decorative arts , decorative arts of the re-design and product are quite significant .

  20. 在此基础上,总结出徽州建筑彩画装饰艺术的现实意义,指出徽州建筑彩画装饰艺术在当代设计领域中传承的方式与手法。

    On this basis , this article summarizes practical significance of Huizhou construction color painting , and pointed out its heritage process in the contemporary design domain .

  21. 本文采用了直观的理论与实际相结合的例证法,列举了大量的服装实例图片,总结了不同时期不同地域的装饰艺术文化,并且结合个人观点来分析装饰艺术对现代服装设计的影响。

    This paper adopts direct combination of theoretical and practical evidence , cited a number of examples , summarizes the different period in different regions of the decoration art culture , and the combination of personal point of view to analyze the Art Deco influence to modern costume design .

  22. 装饰性绘画的创作设计是从事各类材质装饰艺术品设计与制作和各类环境装饰艺术设计的重要基础。

    The creation and design of decorative painting is an important foundation in all kinds of material decorative art design and production , and all kinds of environmental decorative art design .

  23. 作为装饰兼实用价值的艺术作品,贴布在现代室内纺织品上的运用越来越广泛,由于制作精美和观赏性强,贴布的装饰效果被艺术设计所重视。

    Decorative and practical value as a work of art , the patch in the modern interior more and more extensive use of textiles , beautifully produced and entertaining as strong decorative effect of the patch has been valued by art and design .