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zhuāng biǎo
  • mount;mount a picture,etc
装裱 [zhuāng biǎo]
  • [mount a picture,etc] 装潢裱贴

  • 装裱字画

装裱[zhuāng biǎo]
  1. 这幅画现在可以装裱加框了。

    The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed

  2. 她丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。

    Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame

  3. 绘画:橡木画框装裱的前立体主义水粉画,作者是鲜为人知的画家雅克·马尔礼(JacquesMarly,1885-1965),价格950欧元起。

    Paintings : Post-Cubist gouaches in oak frames by the little-known painter Jacques Marly ( 1885-1965 ) start at 950 euros .

  4. 取代度为0.6-0.8的变性淀粉粘合剂SDK具有与小麦面粉浆糊相似的书画装裱特性,其对各种书画材料的影响小于面粉浆糊。

    The SDK adhesive of modified starch which range of its degree of substitution from 0.6 to 0.8 has the same mounting characteristic as native wheat starch paste , the affection to the mounted materials is less than that of wheat starch paste .

  5. 试论中日书画装裱的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences in Picture-mounting Between China and Japan

  6. 冲洗好的照片被拿走了是因为我要装裱。

    The prints were gone because I was having them framed .

  7. 我回来时,她在装裱图画。

    She was mounting a picture when I came back .

  8. 我不是想保那个装裱人。

    I don 't want to protect that mounter either .

  9. 中国书画文物修复装裱知识系统构筑及实现

    Framed Chinese calligraphy and painting restoration and building a knowledge-based system implementation

  10. 以下这些装裱别致的照片就是那个时期典型的立体作品。

    Following these photos is unique mounting that period typical three-dimensional works .

  11. 中国书画装裱艺术探析

    On the artistic of Chinese painting and calligraphy mounting

  12. 我妈妈把作业装裱了~

    My mother took it to have it framed .

  13. 唐卡的装裱及其审美特征

    Mounting of Tangkar and Its Aesthetic Characteristic

  14. 中国的书画必须要进行装裱,才能用于室内装饰。

    Chinese calligraphy and painting must be framed , can be used for interior decoration .

  15. 任何装裱精美的学位都不能告诉别人艾瑞克拥有的品质。

    No degree framed behind glass would ever convey to the world the qualities Eric possessed .

  16. 一组精心设计的嵌入书架包含数百本需要重新装裱的图书。

    An elaborate set of built-in bookshelves that housed hundreds of books needed to be repainted .

  17. 我要把这个装裱起来!

    I 'm gonna frame this !

  18. 印着祷文的经幡所装裱的番杆经常会被换上新的经幡

    The poles on which the prayer flags are mounted are regularly replenished with fresh flags .

  19. 康熙御笔《朱子诗》书于康熙年间所产贡绢之上,诗堂为泥金描海水江涯云龙纹浅栗色纸,宫廷装裱。

    Zhu Zi Poems was written on tribute silk during Kangxi period and mounted by imperial court .

  20. 但我确实认为,你必须把漫画放在一个光线很暗的环境里,正确方法是加上画框并装裱起来。

    But I do think you must keep cartoons in a dark environment , correctly framed and mounted .

  21. 生产优质装裱用的珠光卡纸、染色压纹纸等系列产品。

    We produce high quality card paper of pearl-smooth for decoration use , dyeing and creasing paper production and soon .

  22. 本文介绍了装裱技术和保护历史书画遗产的关系。

    This article introduces the relationship between the mounting technique and protection of the heritage of historical calligraphy and painting .

  23. 读这些学者的工作可以帮助比赛理论家理解怎么最好装裱并且创作理论陈述。

    Reading the work of these scholars may help game theorists understand how to best frame and compose a theoretical statement .

  24. 采用VAC/BA/AAm三元共聚体系制备乳液型书画装裱粘合剂。

    In this paper , the Lamination adhesive was prepared by three - component copolymer emulsion of VAC / BA / AAm .

  25. 墙的表面是灰白色的山毛榉木,在她的长桌后是一排经过装裱的其家人的相片。

    Its walls are lined in pale beech wood , and behind her long desk stretches an array of framed family photographs .

  26. 爱德华把我拉到了最左边,让我站到了一张装裱在一个简朴的木框里的小小的方形油画前。

    Edward pulled me toward the far left side , standing me in front of a small square oil painting in a plain wooden frame .

  27. 比如一幅画作,镜框装裱的优劣往往会直接影响赏画人的观感。

    For instance , a painting with an inferior frame often has a direct and negative impact on the viewers ' opinion of the artwork .

  28. 他转过身去看向了另一幅画面——所有画里最色彩斑斓的一幅,装裱得最为华丽的,也是最巨大的。

    Reflexively , his eyes flickered to another picture - the most colorful of them all , the most ornately framed , and the largest ;

  29. 她应该坐下来欣赏自己装裱起来的学位证书了吧,没有,她又开始了研究生的课程。

    Is it time to sit back and enjoy the framed diploma on the farmhouse wall ? Not yet . She 's started a Masters Degree .

  30. 当今仅存5个蓝马羚头颅,它们被装裱好,分别收藏于奥地利、法国、荷兰和瑞典的博物馆。其中瑞典拥有两个蓝马羚的头颅。

    Five mounted heads are displayed at different museums in Europe - one each in Austria , France , and Amsterdam , and two in Sweden .