
xínɡ zhènɡ fù yì chénɡ xù
  • Administrative Review Procedure;procedure of administrative review
  1. 原告胜诉率偏低,行政复议程序制度闲置等现象突出。

    Plaintiff 's winning rate is low and the administrative reconsideration procedure is rarely started .

  2. 改进和完善行政复议程序特别是审理程序;

    The procedure of administrative reviewing , especially the hearing process , should be improved and perfected .

  3. 行政复议程序的改革已然成为行政复议制度改革的核心问题之一。

    Reform of the administrative reconsideration process has become the core problem of the reform of the administrative reconsideration system .

  4. 无论是书面的法律规范,还是学界的理论探讨,行政复议程序让位于行政复议制度的其他实体问题。

    Whether the written legal regulation , or the theory of academic , other entities problems of administrative reconsideration system make place of procedure .

  5. 本章将行政复议程序分为申请和受理阶段、审理阶段以及决定阶段三个部分分别进行论述。

    The administrative review application and acceptance into the program phase , the trial stage and the decision to stage three parts are discussed .

  6. 行政复议程序体现了申请方便,复议快捷,是使行政复议合法、及时、正确、有效的保证。

    The procedure of administration reconsideration realized the convenience of requisition , the promptness of reconsideration , it guarantees the legality , promptness , preciseness and effectiveness .

  7. 实体价值方面,首先应认识到行政复议程序的目的价值在于保障权利救济,实现权力监督。

    About the substantive value , it primarily should be recognized that the purpose of administrative review procedures is to protect the relief for right and realize the power supervision .

  8. 其次,应认识到行政复议程序的功能价值在于有效解决行政纠纷,实现定纷止争。

    Secondly , it should be recognized that the pursuit of the functional value of administrative reconsideration procedure is an effective solution to administrative disputes , and achieve resolving issues .

  9. 首先对行政复议程序改革的理论基础&程序正义理论作了大致的介绍,并阐述了最基本的程序正义对行政复议程序的要求。

    Firstly , the theory foundation & the theory of procedural justice is approximately introduced , and elaborated the theory of procedural justice administrative review of the basic requirements of the judicial process .

  10. 但由于我国重实体、轻程序的传统法律文化的影响,行政复议程序的价值并未为学界和民众所认知。

    However , due to the influence of Chinese traditional legal culture that substantive law is superior to procedure law , the value of administrative reconsideration procedure is not aware by academics and the public .

  11. 行政复议前置程序应当取消,行政复议终局应由行政诉讼司法审查作为最终审查原则代替,将自主选择原则作为行政复议和行政诉讼审查程序的唯一衔接原则。

    Pre-procedure of administrative review should be canceled , and the judicial review of administrative litigation as an ultimate censorship principle should replaced the final administrative action . The principle of self-selection should be the only interface between administrative review and administrative litigation .

  12. 最后,借鉴域外相关经验,探讨建立应用于保守国家秘密制度特点的特殊救济机制,包括行政复议特殊审查程序和行政诉讼特殊审查程序。

    Finally , probes to establish special relief systems of guarding state secrets confidential with reference to relevant experience abroad , including special review procedure of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation .

  13. 行政复议的原则与程序论行政复议的基本原则行政复议不利变更禁止原则初探

    On the Principle of Adverse Alteration Prohibition in Administrative Reconsideration Procedure

  14. 我国行政复议与行政诉讼程序衔接之再思考

    The Connection between Administrative Reexamination and Lawsuit

  15. 行政复议的原则与程序

    On Principle and Procedure about Administration reconsideration

  16. 内部行政行为司法经济在遵循行政复议前置、程序性审查、有限的实体性审查等原则。

    Judicial succor for Inner-administration behaviors should abide by preposition of administrative reconsideration and programmed investigation examination of limited entities .

  17. 《行政复议法》从行政复议范围、行政复议程序等方面进一步完善了我国的行政复议制度。

    Administrative Review Law further improving the system of administrative review on the scope of administrative review and the administrative review procedures .

  18. 行政复议申请权的有效行使才是真正启动行政复议程序的关键所在。

    The administration reconsiders the application power to exercise is effectively the true start administration reconsiders the procedure the key to be .