
  • 网络administrative avoidance
  1. 行政回避是行政程序法上的基本制度。

    Administrative avoidance is a basic system of the administrative procedure .

  2. 行政回避制度是行政程序法上的基本制度之一,它作为一项保障行政公正的法律制度之所以为人们所关注,是因为它能满足人们要求受到公平对待的那种本性。

    Administrative avoidance system , as a law system for just administration , is taken seriously because it can meet people 's inborn expectations for fair treatment .

  3. 行政回避:制度缺陷及其法律完善

    Administration Parry : System Limitation and Its Perfecting

  4. 我国行政回避制度之检视

    Inspecting the Administrative Avoiding System of Our Country

  5. 全文共分为三章:第一章:行政回避的法学基本理论。

    The thesis is divided into three chapters : Chapter One : Executive avoid the basic theory of law .

  6. 主要包括行政回避的历史、行政回避的法理基础、行政回避的概念和行政回避制度的法律价值。

    Including administrative avoiding the historical , administrative avoid legal basis to avoid the concept of executive and administrative challenge system legal value .

  7. 主要阐述行政回避的法律实体问题,通过对行政回避缘由、回避程序的分析,提出行政回避制度的例外。

    Mainly discusses the legal entity administrative avoid problems , by reason of the administration to avoid , evade the analysis process , an administrative challenge system exception .

  8. 随着我国改革的深入发展,社会主义市场经济的不断完善,行政回避制度在政府职能活动中越来越显现出它的重要性和紧迫性。

    The further development of the reform and the continuous improvement of socialist market economy make the avoidance system more and more important and urgent during the governmental activities .

  9. 本章对我国行政回避制度的现状进行分析,从中找出行政回避制度存在的法律缺陷,进而提出完善我国的行政回避制度的构想。

    This chapter on the status of administrative challenge system analysis to find out the existence of administrative law challenge system defects , and then put forward a sound system of administration to avoid the idea .

  10. 论文主要从五个方面对行政回避制度展开研究,第一部分是行政回避制度的概述,着重探讨了行政回避制度的概念和特征、存在的必要性、价值和意义等基础理论;

    This thesis makes a discussion in five parts . The first one is an Introduction to administrative avoidance system , it introduces the concept , characteristic , necessity , value and significance of existing of administrative avoidance system .

  11. 第一节对我国行政回避制度的现状分析;第二节分析行政回避制度存在的法律缺陷;第三节针对行政回避的主要法律缺陷,提出完善我国行政回避制度的措施。

    Section on the status of administrative challenge system analysis ; Section of Administrative Law Imperfection avoidance system ; Section for the administration to avoid the main legal deficiencies , put forward a sound measure of administrative challenge system .

  12. 我国行政回避立法不统一的问题必须通过行政程序法加以规范,而行政回避实际效果不理想的问题,则需要通过进一步完善相应的行政法律制度来解决。

    What is not unified in the legislation of administrative avoidance in this country has to be normalized by the administrative procedure law , while the problem of the inadequate administrative avoidance needs to be solved by a better administrative law system .

  13. 第五章,我国行政公务回避制度的实施。

    The fifth chapter : implementation study on administrative withdrawal in public affairs .

  14. 本章针对行政公务回避制度实施的现状及其制约因素,提出了相应的实施对策,以求将这一制度的设计与实施紧密地联系起来。

    In allusion to the restricting factors , this chapter brings forward the countermeasures of implementation .

  15. 第一章,行政公务回避的理论界定。

    The whole passage can be divided into five chapters : The first chapter : theory study on administrative withdrawal in public affairs .

  16. 行政公务回避制度是行政法领域一种重要的程序控权机制,它在控制行政权力的滥用、保障行政公正方面有重要的意义。

    The administrative official evasion system in the administrative law domain is one kind of important procedure controls of the power mechanism , it has vital significance towards the safeguard on fair control in administration authority .

  17. 因此,介入私人纠纷一直是行政权所极力回避的事情。

    Therefore , the involvement of private disputes by the administrative power has been tried to evade .

  18. 现代化的科学行政程序包含行政程序听证制度、行政程序回避制度、行政程序信息公开制度、行政程序时效制度、行政程序救济制度。

    Modern and scientific administrative procedures should have the hearing system and challenge system and publicity system and prescription system and relieve system .

  19. 在行政程序法即将在我国出台的背景下,对行政回避制度这一相对比较薄弱的环节进行系统深入的研究具有重大的理论和实践意义。

    While the Administrative Procedure Acts will be promulgated soon , it is of theoretic and realistic significance to make , a systemic in-depth study on the administrative avoidance system .

  20. 行政立法程序的随意性和立法过程中产生的立法部门化和地方化使得对完善行政立法程序的呼声越来越高,行政法学者适时将行政立法回避制度引入到中国。

    Executive legislation procedural randomness and legislative departmentalization and localization generated in the process of legislation consummate executive legislative procedure for increasing demands , administrative law scholars with timely introduced of the executive legislative avoidance system to China .