
  • 网络administrative judicial procedure
  1. 我国行政法领域中未来的立法方向应是制定一个包括行政立法程序、行政执法程序和行政司法程序在内的统一的行政程序法典。

    In the field of administrative law , the legislative trend is to make a uniform code of administrative procedure comprised of administrative legislation procedure , administrative enforcement procedure , and administrative judicial procedure .

  2. 俄罗斯行政法学者从研究行政程序的基本概念入手,从理论上和词语规范上理清了行政程序、行政司法程序、行政诉讼程序等基本问题;

    Russian experts in administrative law take doing research on basic notions of administrative procedure as its starting point and make some basic problems clear in theory and in standard of words , such as administrative procedure , administrative judicial procedure and administrative judicial proceedings procedure .

  3. 执行“及时、有效、透明和非歧视的行政或司法审议程序”以审议供应商的申诉,是GPA加入中的另一项核心要求。

    Implementation of " timely , effective , transparent and non-discriminatory administrative or judicial review procedure " to review supplier complaints another core requirement of GPA accession .

  4. 本部分从立法层面、行政管理、司法程序、银行自身四个方面进行探讨,提出了对商业银行抵押权实现的诸多建议。

    This part analyze the legislative , administrative and judicial procedures , the bank itself suggestions .

  5. 行政程序和司法审查程序是保证有关影响自由贸易的实体立法与WTO协议完全一致的有效方法。

    Administrative procedure and judicial examine procedure are the guarantee of a effective way to the complete unity between legislation concerning with free trade entity and WTO trade agreement .

  6. 反垄断法实施程序可分为行政执法程序与司法程序。

    Antitrust implementation process can be divided into the administrative procedures and judicial procedures .

  7. 行政处置与司法破产程序在工作的内容上存在着重叠。

    The administrative deposition procedure is similar to the bankruptcy proceedings on the job content .

  8. 所以,针对行政不作为司法救济程序进行研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make a study of the judicial remedial procedure for administrative omission .

  9. 司法制度方面的原因至少有:笔录卷宗式裁判方式、以口供为中心的印证证明模式、弱小的辩护权和行政化运作的司法程序。

    Dossier-dependant adjudication model and confession-centered proof verification mode and weak defense rights and administrative-style judicial process are judicial system reasons .

  10. 对行政合同的司法救济程序适用行政诉讼程序抑或民事诉讼程序,司法实践尚未统一。

    Whether administrative litigation procedure or civil process will be applied to administrative contract judicial remedy procedure has not been unified in judicial practice .

  11. 由于世界各国的具体社会经济生活和立法背景存在着差异,所以在反垄断法行政执法程序与司法程序上也存在较大不同。

    As the specific socio-economic life and legislative background have diversity in the worldwide , there are more differences in the administrative procedures and judicial procedures .

  12. 对于有关的知识产权权利冲突究竟应纳入行政程序还是民事司法程序,抑或两种程序是否能够并行不悖,关键取决于如何界定权利冲突的法律属性。

    Whether classify the proprietary conflict in knowledge property cases into the civil judicature or administrative procedure or both lies in how to define the legal property of the conflict .