
  • 网络administrative objective
  1. 准确定位政府绩效审计具体对象后,通过分析影响具体行政目标的因素,得到具体的审计目标,形成政府绩效审计目标体系。

    After accurately positioning the government performance object , by the analysis the influence element of administrative objective ; then , getting the concrete target and forming the government performance audit objective system .

  2. 行政成本的影响因素主要有行政目标、行政方式、行政人员和行政环境等。

    The effective factors of administrative cost mainly includes administrative objective , administrative form , administrative personnel and administrative environment etc.

  3. 本文运用绩效管理理论和方法,结合Z大学行政目标管理、事业单位岗位设置工作,研究高校行政人员绩效管理现状,对绩效管理中存在的问题进行归纳分析。

    In this paper , I use performance management theory and method , combined with Z university administrative objectives management , post setting of institutions , study of college administrative staff performance management situation , I analysised the existing performance management problems .

  4. 日本信息公开法实施与民间主导的行政目标

    Implementation of Japanese Publication of Information Act and Administrative Target under Popular Guidance

  5. 论税收行政目标与行政能力

    The Objectives of Tax Administration and Its Capability

  6. 这些行政目标的实现,很显然与有效的行政规划是不可分离的。

    It is clear that these administrative goals and effective administrative planning are inseparable .

  7. 一种新的公共行政目标模式,即服务目标模式正在得到普遍认同。

    A new aim pattern of public administration , that is , the service administration has been accepted widely .

  8. 国家私事员鼓励机制是鼓励广年夜私事员完成共同的行政目标的重要保证。

    Civil servant 's incentive mechanism is an important guaranty to incite large civil servant carry out common administration target .

  9. 公务员激励与约束机制,是激励公务员实现共同行政目标杜绝腐败现象的重要保障。

    The promotion and restriction mechanism is an important support for the realization of pubic administrative aims and prevention of corruption .

  10. 政府行为失范是指政府行为偏离法制轨道和公共行政目标。政府行为失范对深化改革、经济和社会的发展、精神文明建设、政治稳定都有严重的危害。

    Irregular governmental conduct will do serious harm to deepening reform , economic and social developments , political stability , socialist spiritual civilization progress , and so on .

  11. 建立和完善公务员的激励机制,是加强公务员人才队伍管理的重要措施和手段,是激励广大公务员实现共同的行政目标的重要保障。

    Building and consummating civil servants incentive mechanism will play an important role in strengthening civil servants personnel management and ensuring civil servants to realize their common administrative goals .

  12. 在复杂多变的社会转型期,公共政策作为政府调控社会成员之间的利益关系,实现公共利益的合理分配及具体行政目标的重要手段之一,越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Being one of the major government measures to adjust the various social interests and realize the equitable distribution of public interests and its particular administrative objectives , public policy plays a most vital role in a changeable social transformation period .

  13. 一个重要问题是我国的公务员职业道德建设的滞后,带来了不良的社会后果,成为阻碍我国行政目标实现的一个重要因素,一定程序上影响了政府形象。

    The lag of civil service occupation moral construction in our country , which is an important problem and brings harmful social consequence , becoming the important factor for impeding the realization of administrative objectives in China , affected the image of the government in certain extent .

  14. 由此得出的推论是,当政府的首选为经济目标时,政府组织应尊重经济组织自发演进出来的制度安排,以此来换取行政目标的实现。

    The conclusion that we try to educe is , the government should respect the institutional arrangements as the production of the spontaneous evolution of economic organization , and use this concession to exchange the accomplishment of the political ambition , when the first choice of government is economic ambition .

  15. 公共行政的目标模式正在由效率模式向服务模式转变。

    The aim of public administration is transforming efficiency administration into service administration .

  16. 有利于实现有权利就有救济的行政诉讼目标;

    It helps to realize administrative litigation goal of " no right no relief ";

  17. 我国政府要实现现代化的行政管理目标,就不能忽视这些影响。

    Our government who want to realize the goal of modernize administration can not miss the influence .

  18. 行政管理目标相同,都是为了把我国建设成为一个现代化的硕士学位论文社会主义强国;

    The administration management target are the same , all the three try to make our country a modern socialism strong one .

  19. 依法行政的目标是实现法的相对确定性,依法行政的方法包括法律推理、法律解释、法律补充和价值衡量。

    The legitimate administrative goal is to realize the relative determinism of law , whose methods include legal inference , legal explanation , legal supplement and the value .

  20. 政府决策的正确与否直接关系到行政管理目标能否实现,政府决策质量的高低直接影响着社会的发展水平。

    The correctness of the government decision-making is directly related to the achievement of administrative goals . The quality of the government decision-making is affecting the level of social development directly .

  21. 在传统人事管理与以人为本的现代人力资源管理相冲突的现实背景下,本文提出在普通公务员队伍管理中导入职业发展管理理念,以实现公务员个人全面发展,政府行政战略目标的顺利实现。

    On the ground of the conflict between traditional and modern HR management , this paper put forward to a theory of ECM into common civil servants in Chinese government , so as to improve the activity of civil servants .

  22. 论行政组织的目标及目标管理

    On the Objectives of Administrative Organizations and the Management by Objectives

  23. 中国行政程序法目标模式的确立

    Establishing the Objective Mode of China 's Administrative Programme Law

  24. 效率增进是行政管理主要目标之一。

    The promotion of efficiency is the main target of public management .

  25. 外国行政程序立法目标模式评析

    Analysis of Aim Model of Administrative Procedural Law Legislation in Foreign Country

  26. 分析了我国行政管理的目标和行政管理现代化的思路。

    Describe the values and objectives of the administration , modern way of thinking .

  27. 归纳起来,主要问题有:行政监管的目标存在偏差;

    The major problems are as the followings : The target of the administration supervision has been deviation ;

  28. 初步探析了中国公立高校去行政化的目标、可行性以及方向性的措施。

    Tentatively discussing the goal , feasibility , and directive steps of non-administrative in Chinese colleges and universities .

  29. 基于此种判断,本文提倡平衡偏保障的行政程序立法目标模式。

    On such judgment , this dissertation advocates the administrative procedure legislation target mode which is balance partial to indemnificatory function .

  30. 行政程序法目标模式问题是行政程序立法中一个最抽象的,同时又是一个最基本的理论问题。

    The issue of objective model of administrative procedural law is the most abstract as well as the most basic theoretical one in its legislation .