
  1. 传承与创新:新疆山水画艺术的发展《类篇》对《集韵》反切注音的继承与革新

    Inherit and Innovation : the Development of Xinjiang Landscape Paintings

  2. 本文依据传统文字学广义异体字的定义,采取定量分析,部分测查,全面分析方法,对《类篇》异体字进行了初步系统的研究。

    This article rests on the traditional philology generalized variant form the definition , adopting the quantitative analysis , the part measures looks up and the comprehensive analysis method .

  3. 《类篇》反切注音在《集韵》基础上有所继承和革新,反映了唐宋时代语言研究和辞书编纂领域的进步成果,具有重要的研究价值和重要的现实意义。

    Leipian inherits the achievement in the Fanqie phonetic transcription in Jiyun with innovation , showing the progress in language research and lexicography in the Tang and Song Dynasty .

  4. 绪论:简要叙述了《类篇》成书时代背景,收字特点,在文字学史上的重要地位。

    The full text is composed by six parts : Introduction : Briefly narrated the circulation time background , the character characteristic of receives and important status in philology history .

  5. 《类篇》在对异体字收录上,有着自己的标准和理解,充分体现了两宋时期异体字整理的研究特色和水平。

    " Lei Pian " has own standard and the understanding in includes to the variant form , fully has manifested the research characteristic and the level which two Song time .

  6. 本研究以VanDijk等人提出的话题分析和宏观结构理论及其Matthesius等人所倡导的篇章的主位推进模式为理论主框架,从宏观语义的角度,对比分析英汉经济类语篇篇章结构模式的差异。

    This thesis contrastively studies , mainly based on the theoretic framework of " topic analysis " by van Dijk and " thematic progression " by some others , the underlying arrangement patterns of topics of English and Chinese texts .

  7. 相比之下,经济类语篇则少有学者关注。

    By contrast , little attention has been paid to economic discourse .

  8. 汉英说明类语篇话题结构的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Topic Structure in Chinese and English Expository Text

  9. 三大类语篇模式在英汉翻译中的相互转换

    The Transformation of Three Text Models in Translation

  10. 论隐喻在英文经济类语篇中的作用

    Power of Metaphors in English Economic Discourses

  11. 从中国式英语到标准英语英汉经济类语篇篇章结构模式之比较研究

    Organizational Patterns of English and Chinese Texts for Business and Economics : A Contrastive Study

  12. 由于网络电子聊天会话中即时回应的缺失或推迟,该类语篇内部的衔接与联贯呈松散状态。

    The lack of / postponed immediate response makes IRC discourse in a loose cohesion and coherence state .

  13. 从修辞方面对经济类语篇中隐喻进行的研究仅仅涉及到隐喻的表层问题,未能揭示其机制和作用。

    Previous study of metaphors in economic discourses from a rhetorical perspective could not reveal the profound mechanism of them .

  14. 引用理论研究的奠基之作&解读刘勰《文心雕龙·事类》篇的修辞价值

    Foundation Stone of the Study of " Adduction " Rhetoric Theory & Interpretation of the Rhetorical Value of WenXinDiaoLong · ShiLei

  15. 会话语篇和书面语篇各有特点,解读这两类语篇的连贯性也各有不同的依据。

    Since conversational discourse and written discourse have their respective characteristics , there must be different means of understanding the coherence of the two kinds of discourse .

  16. 译者在翻译过程中,较好地把握翻译目标,会使译文产生良好的社会意义和现实意义。科技论文摘要属典型的信息类语篇,其英译的预期功能是向译文读者传播科研成果。

    Abstracts of metallurgy science papers can be classified as the typical informative texts , whose expected translation objective is to publicize research achievements among English readership .

  17. 第五章讨论了情态表达在该类语篇中的功能,指出情态表达在语篇中不但可以实现人际意义,而且还能实现语篇意义。

    The fifth chapter explores functions of modality and indicates that modality can realize not only interpersonal meanings but also textual meanings of language at the level of discourse .

  18. 研究结果表明:1两类语篇中都存在语篇主位、标记主位及句项主位,没有出现人际主位。

    The major findings are as follows : First , there exist marked themes , textual themes and clausal themes in both types , the interpersonal theme is hardly existent .

  19. 语言学家已从不伺的语言学角度对该类语篇进行了大量有价值的研究,然而评价理论视角下的英语商业广告研究却很少。

    Many a worthwhile studies in this genre have been carried out from diverse perspectives of linguistics . However , few studies are made from the perspective of Appraisal theory .

  20. 通过分析,笔者发现对英语新闻评论人际意义的分析可以更好地理解这类语篇,并且可以从中清晰地看出评论员的态度及观点;

    Through analyses , we discover that the analysis of interpersonal meaning in English news commentaries can help readers achieve a better understanding , and make writers ' attitudes and opinions clearly seen .

  21. 因此本文将帮助读者更好的理解中文网络聊天语言和其它语言变体之间的异同,对进一步研究该类语篇提供启示。

    Thus the study may be of some help in achieving a better understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese IRC and other varieties of language , and provides clues to further study .

  22. 该类语篇兼具幽默言语与电子语篇的双重特点,具有把短信语篇和幽默语篇结合起来的功能,因此具有一定的研究价值。

    This kind of messages has the characteristics of both the humorous and the electronic discourse so that it deserves analyses and provides possibility to the combined research of both message discourse and textual humor .

  23. 本文的研究结论可用于政治类语篇的教学与翻译工作中,且可以帮助读者更深人准确地理解政府工作报告。

    The result of this research can hopefully be employed in the teaching and translation of political texts . And it is expected to be helpful for foreign readers to understand RWG profoundly and accurately .

  24. 并通过对欺诈短信语篇的三大纯理功能分析,揭示出这类语篇在人称、语气、情态、小句过程类型、衔接手段等多个方面的系列性质。

    Then , by metafunction analysis of fraud SMS , the paper reveals the series of nature of the discourse , like the person , mood , modality , the process type of clause and the cohesion .

  25. 主位同一型和述位同一型在两类语篇中所占比重较大。2汉语语篇中,非标记性主位出现较多;英语语篇中标记性主位出现较多。

    Besides , the Constant Theme Pattern and the Constant Rheme Pattern occur more frequently than the other patterns in the two types of texts . Second , unmarked themes are used more in Chinese texts than in English texts .

  26. 交际目的决定体裁的存在,使得某类语篇具有大体相同的图式结构,而这种图式结构影响着语篇的内容和语言风格的选择。

    The communicative purpose of the discourse community decides the constitution of a certain genre with generally identical schema structure which distinguishes one genre from another . Meanwhile the schema structure decides the content and the language features of the discourse .

  27. 资料综合:在最后分析的93篇论文样本中,8篇(8.6%)被分为A类,57(61.3%)篇被分为B类,28篇(30.1%)被分为C类。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Of the 93 articles in the final analysis , 8 ( 8.6 % ) were classified as type A , 57 ( 61.3 % ) as type B , and 28 ( 30.1 % ) as type C.

  28. 而对公文这类政治语篇的研究便形成了政治语言学。

    And the research on political document is called political linguistics .

  29. 建设了一个大规模中文数据集,包含55类,71674篇文本。

    Constructed a large-scale document set which consists of 71674 Chinese documents and 55 categories .

  30. 排除的文献为综述类文献28篇和重复研究48篇。

    Altogether 28 literatures were excluded due to reviewed papers and 48 due to repeated study .