- analogy

[analogy] 根据两种事物在某些特征上的相似,推论出它们在其他特征上也有可能相似。用这种推理方法推出的结论是或然性的,是否正确还有待实践证明
It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with something concrete .
A close analogy with the art of singing can be made .
There are no analogies with any previous legal cases .
In general , the application of foreign case law is to apply the Ratios established in the cases by way of analogy and distinguishing .
Analogy Design of Ternary CCD Circuits
Analysis of Vibration of Stator of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Electromechanical Analogy Method
In this paper , the effectiveness of the analogy design for ternary CCD circuits is shown by relevant practical design examples .
Research on Structured-Analogy-Based Prediction Algorithm for Time Series and Its Application on PTA Solvent System
In order to understand the concept of the Universal port type , an analogy with the computer hardware such as a PC would be helpful .
Result : There were good effect on decreasing dropsy and pain , and improving ROM of metacarpophalangeal in group 1 and group 2 ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.01 ) .
Dan Diephouse : I agree that its not a very worthwhile analogy as SOAP is primarily a way to ship around data .
Comparing with the analysis of I - ω relation in ordinary space , the analysis of N - λ _0 ( or Z - λ _p ) relation in gauge space was carried out .
When I introduced the Python tuple , I used the analogy of a bag into which you can throw different items .
Meanwhile , the application of system simulation used in analyzing refrigerator performance was discussed . A CFD noise model of in-direct refrigerator fan blades rotation was established .
Natural analogy of uo_2 corrosion : a review
In 48 hours after operation , every 8-14 hours the patients were followed up once according to the test time and status .
Finally the authors contrast IH process to LIGA process , and put forward the good prospect of IH process .
So we 'll stick with the finish-line analogy this time and see how runners and races are represented in Amazon 's SimpleDB .
IAM is closer to the analogical mapping thinking of human , but it still need be modified .
Based on the rule and 2-D mapping characteristics of wireless scheduling in 802.16 system , a wireless resource scheduling algorithm which can ensure maximum delay was proposed . MATLAB simulation and comparison with other algorithms were made .
The hypothesis about the linear relationship between net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance , which had formed the basis of the empirical model proposed by Ball et al , was analyzed by analogy with electrical resistance and simulation testing .
Keane et compared the three computational models using the Attribute-Mapping problem , but it is lack of validation psychological experiments .
Analysis and computation show that the improved increasing coefficient model and physical analogue model are suitable to the prediction of large scale railway origin destination traffic volume distribution .
Since the current-mode CMOS circuits can be designed at switch level by using the theory of transmission current-switches , the multivalued CCD circuits based on four basic CCD configurations may be designed by means of analogy .
BRI service is provided over a local copper loop that traditionally carries analog phone service .
Currently , the most influential methods in semantic space are latent semantic analysis ( LSA ) and hyperspace analogue to language ( HAL ) .
It can be simply calculated to the Drell-Yan Process similar to the annihilation process of lepton pair .
The other way is to take a pedestrian flow as a water flow . By solving the Navier-Stokes equation which describes 2D incompressible fluid , we obtain a velocity field .
Experimental results under the same train and test data show that this network structure can achieve thirty percent average relative improvement in performance than classical Gaussian mixture model .
This article compares between ZC ( 83 ) sea-going ship construction specifications and ZC ( 73 ) specifications . ABS ( 73 ) boat specifications are contrasted .