
bāo gōng tóu
  • labour contractor;CONTRACTOR;labor contractor;foreman
  • head of labour contractor
包工头 [bāo gōng tóu]
  • [head of labour contractor] 包工的首领

  1. 汤姆问:他是什么包工头?

    " What kind of contractor he is ?" asked Tom .

  2. 你爸相信包工头,那请他先去了解嘛!

    Your pa believes a labor contractor , that asks him to understand first !

  3. 砖窑包工头已于周末被警方拘留。

    The kiln foreman was detained by police at the weekend .

  4. 直接调用实际的干活的,不需要先找包工头这个中间人

    Direct call to real worker ; no wrappers in the middle

  5. 这种双重性身份认同是包工头进行两栖型消费的根本原因。

    This duality identity is the root cause of the amphibious consumption for labor contractor .

  6. 托米韦尔伯恩虽然腰部有伤,却成了城里生意最好的包工头,人们都说他赚钱像造钱一样。

    Tommy wellburn , in spite of his crippled back , was the busiest contractor in town and coining money , so people said .

  7. 好在叶城还算个有良心的包工头,他四处讨债,终于发了民工们的血汗钱,这才回到家。

    Thankfully , Ye was a conscientious contractor and asked the money back from his debtors and finally paid all the money back to the workers .

  8. 父亲是一个普通小镇的包工头,希望儿子有所出息,不要像他一样在这座小镇里呆一辈子。

    Father was an ordinary small-town labor contractor , Hoped that his son has been Offer , Do not like him to stay for life in this town .

  9. 以包工头为代表的新富裕群体从社会较低的阶层向上流动为较高阶层,他们的社会身份发生了改变。

    The new rich groups which are represented by the labor contractors flow from the lower class to a higher class in society . Their social identity has changed .

  10. 早期的工人罢工斗争多数是分散的,甚至包工头与工人具有相同的利益,与矿局作斗争要求提高矿价,也取得了一些胜利。

    Most early strike struggle was scattered , contractor and the workers had the same interest , even improved ore price fight departmental requirements , also achieved some success .

  11. 要使设计科学合理,施工保证质量,应建立设计的选择、监审制度,注重选择施工队伍和包工头,并建立施工监管制度。

    If we want to make the design reasonable and scientific , we should form the systems of the choice and supervision and attach importance to choose the labor contractors and the construction team .

  12. 那一定是你们学校的宿舍楼太老旧了,再不然就是豆腐渣工程,包工头在施工时偷工减料所致。

    The dormitory building that is your school certainly then is too old old , or else is project of bean curd broken bits like that , the labor contractor is Jerry when construction be caused by .