
  • 网络cylinder-packing;Cylinder packing;cylinder-pair coolingking
  1. 胶印机滚筒包衬的优化分析

    The Optimal Analysis of the Cylinder Packing in Offset Press

  2. 25t直流钢包炉包衬寿命初探

    Lining life of the 25t DC ladle furnace

  3. DLF精炼站可提高热效率,降低包衬材料消耗。

    The DLF refining station can increase heat efficiency and reduce the consumption of the ladle liner materials .

  4. 空气煤气预热至1273K时,钢包烘烤温度可达1300K,包衬圆周温差小于20K。

    As using regenerative baking - air and gas preheat to 1 273 K , the temperature of baked lining is up to 1 300 K and temperature differential of lining circle is less than 20 K.

  5. 每本书两张白纸那就是600份包衬

    Two blank pages per book is 600 sheets .

  6. 冷中间包衬对铸坯皮下气泡的影响

    Relationship between cold tundish lining and skin hole

  7. 钢包吹氩与包衬耐火材料对钢中夹杂物的影响

    The effect of ladle Argon-blown and the refractory materials of ladle and tundish on the inclusions in steel

  8. 从包衬材料及印刷过程中使用的纸张、油墨等因素出发,定性或定量分析印刷压力的计算、调节及确定。

    This paper , in the way of statistics , quantificationally analyses the calculating , regulating and confirming of printing pressure .

  9. 在一千万块瓷砖的包衬下,展馆看起来闪亮夺目,呈现出优雅的未来派格调。

    Enrobed in ten million porcelain tiles , the pavilion takes the form of a shining building , reconciling elegant with futuristic elements .

  10. 介绍了应用该项技术的优越性,主要有包衬寿命翻番及钢的脱硫率显著提高等。

    The advantages of this technology are introduced , which mean the double life of ladle and improvment of rate of desulfurization in steel .

  11. 工业试验结果表明,优化后的精炼渣系熔点低、流动性好,冶金效果显著,对包衬有明显保护作用。

    Industrial scale experimental results demonstrate that the slag smelted in this way can protect the ladle lining against penetration corrosion for it is of low smelting point and of sound fluidity .

  12. 喷涂连铸中间包工作衬的工艺

    Process of Sprayed on Working Lining of Tundish for Continuous Casting

  13. 介绍了脱包隔热衬板及喷补内衬工艺在长钢的应用。

    Introduces the application of removable insulating plate and gunned lining in Chang-gang .

  14. 简要介绍中间包碱性工作衬的优点、施工工艺及在板坯连铸机中间包上的使用情况。

    The advantages and executive processes as well as the service condition of alkalinous dry lining of tundish have been introduced .

  15. 中间包结构及包衬耐火材料对钢水清洁度的影响

    Influence of tundish structure and lining refractories on cleanliness of molten steel

  16. 涂料具有良好的抗侵蚀性能,与中间包整体浇注永久衬配合使用解体性好。

    Compared withsilicous insulating foard , the coating has good slag resistance and disintegrating properties .

  17. 又通过中间包内渣层中示踪剂的变化,分析了包衬耐火材料在单炉钢水冲刷下的侵蚀量,从而定量判定了中间包结构及包衬耐火材料侵蚀对钢水清洁度的影响程度。

    The eroded amount of lining refractories each heat was also analyzed by investigating the change of the tracer in the inner slag layer . Accordingly , the effect of the tundish structure and corrosion of tundish refractories on cleanliness of liquid steel is determined quantitatively .

  18. 连铸中间包采用快换机构,浇钢时间和包龄大幅度增加,对中间包工作衬和永久衬提出新的要求。

    The casting time and ladle life have greatly increased after adopting SEN mechanics in the tundish .

  19. 通过对粘渣物、钢包渣、工艺因素、保温剂和钢包残样等的分析,指出钢包粘渣是冶炼钢种、钢包热状态和包衬耐火材料共同作用的结果。

    The investigation on matters of slag building-up , ladle slag , technology factors , heat preservation reagent and ladle refractories remainders indicates that steel types , ladle heat-condition and ladle refractories are responsible for ladle slag building-up .