
  • 网络Bracketing;exposure bracketing;aeb
  1. 包围曝光是在技术上帮助摄影师获得正确曝光的图像。

    Exposure bracketing is a technique used by photographers to help ensure they capture a correctly exposed imaged .

  2. 如果你是刚开始水下摄影,包围曝光将帮助你获得正确的相片。

    If you are just getting started in underwater photography , bracketing can help you get the right shot .

  3. 在不同设定下,包围曝光可以协助你调节光圈和快门或者EV值。

    Depending on your exposure mode , you can either step your aperture or shutter speed a stop down or up , or adjust your EV compensation .

  4. 多次包围曝光也能增加照片成功匹配的机会。

    Making multiple exposures will also increase your chances of matching the photos .

  5. 并提高快门速度,甚至带来更长的包围曝光时间,尤其在使用三脚架拍摄夜景模式照片时。

    and faster shutter speeds and even longer brackets when shooting night mode photos with a tripod .

  6. 广泛的手动控制,包括包围曝光模式,包括设置新的白平衡和色彩模式。

    Extensive manual controls including an exposure bracketing mode that newly includes settings for white balance and color modes .

  7. 这种情况下,依靠包围曝光来调整外闪要比调整相机设定的可能性更大。

    In this case , you may want to bracket the exposure by adjusting your strobe power rather than with your camera settings .

  8. 此时,你使用包围曝光,也就是同时拍摄一张降低曝光补偿和提高曝光补偿的相片,将有助于你修正错误的曝光。

    If you bracket this exposure with another one that is slightly underexposed and another that is slightly overexposed , you can help compensate for the possibility of an incorrect exposure .

  9. 当快门速度设置在B门时,不能用包围式曝光模式。

    The Auto Bracketing mode is not applicable when the shutter speed is set to bulb .

  10. 转动模式盘至包围式曝光模式。光圈优先式曝光量自动控制照相机

    Turn the mode dial to select Auto bracketing mode . aperture-priority automatic exposure camera

  11. 要取消包围式曝光模式,转动模式盘至另一个模式。

    To cancel the auto bracketing mode , turn the mode dial to select another mode .

  12. 当包围式曝光模式补偿或自动曝光锁定相结合时,曝光范围将分别依据所选的曝光补偿值或锁定值。

    When the auto bracketing mode is combined with exposure compensation or AE lock , the exposure range value or the locked exposure value respectively .