
huán jìnɡ ɡuānɡ xiàn
  • ambient light
  1. 另外还提供一个可选配的黑色阳极电镀铝盖用于在进行暗电流测试时遮蔽环境光线。

    An optional black anodized aluminum cover can be used to eliminate ambient light and to block the light path when taking dark current measurements .

  2. 其目的,是使照在主体上的闪光灯输出光线恰与落在背景上的环境光线相均衡。

    The intent is to output just enough power from the flash to make the flash light falling on the main subject match or balance the ambient light falling on the background .

  3. 减少环境光线对视力的干扰,保护视力健康。

    Reduce the environment ray disturbance to sight , protect sight health .

  4. 测试你手机内置环境光线传感器使用此测光表应用程序。

    Test your phones built in Ambient Light Sensor using this Light Meter Application .

  5. 辐射度是各点材质对环境光线作用的结果。

    In physics , radiance is the interactional result of the surface material with the environmental lights .

  6. 该环境光线测试仪在视距范围内可以独立灵活使用,而不受物理位置影响。

    The environment light testing equipment can be independently used which isn 't impacted by location in the sight-distance range .

  7. 这款小型图形显示屏在各类环境光线场合均表现优异,同时还能有效消除其它高亮显示屏常见的亮晕现象。

    This small graphics display excels in a wide range of ambient lighting environments while effectively eliminating the blooming common to other high-bright displays .

  8. 传统的方法都是基于形态学算子,通过检测车头灯来检测车辆,这种方法运算量较大,而且受环境光线影响比较大,为此,提出了一种基于颜色和运动信息的夜间车辆检测方法。

    The traditional methods are based on vehicle headlights and headlight beams using mathematical morphology , they are sensitive to environment illumination with high computing cost .

  9. 产品内侧采用性能优异的黑色消光绒面,有效的消除环境光线的干扰和显示器自身光线的反射。

    The product adopt outstanding black extinction cloth with soft nap on the inner side , to eliminate the environment light disturbance and the monitor light self-reflection effectively .

  10. 光线会刺激大脑,让我们持续清醒和警觉的状态。要是环境光线对你有影响,那眼罩绝对是个睡觉必备。

    Light stimulates that part of the brain that promotes arousal and vigilance , and eye shades are an absolute necessity for anyone who has any sort of ambient light coming in the room .

  11. 专家担心,新技术也有一些劣势,虹膜扫描技术对于那些眼睛有疾病的用户,或者手机在使用环境光线不足的情况下难以实现。

    Experts are concerned that the new technology may still carry some disadvantages for users who have eye-related disorders as well as those who are trying to unlock their phones without enough light present .

  12. 轻型传感器减少浪费,以符合环境光线,运动传感器可以关闭电视,当它检测到房间里没有人时。

    A light sensor reduces waste further by adjusting the brightness to match the ambient light , and a motion sensor can turn off the TV when it detects that no one is in the room .

  13. 该方法场景适应性强,对于环境光线变化具有较好的适应性,不受车道数目与车辆运动状态变化限制,同时具备较好的实时性,准确性高。

    This method has better adaptability to illumination changes in the environment , and has no restrictions in lane numbers and vehicles movement state , and has better performance in real-time scene adaptability with high accuracy .

  14. 环境光线的黄金分割值与人体的和谐作用:可见光波长5.3×10-5cm处在可视光谱波长的黄金数分割点,该波长处于黄光和绿光的界限中,即黄绿光。

    Harmony between light frequency and human body : Visible light with the wave length of 5.3 × 10-5 cm exactly stood at the golden point and was located in the area between yellow and green , i.e. kelly light .

  15. 由于环境、光线及自身拍摄水平不高的原因,真实视频效果要好于图片效果。

    Due to the environment , light and shoot their own low level of reason , the real effect of video images better than results .

  16. 主要研究内容包括海面建模与绘制;海洋场景中船航行特效仿真;天空和海洋环境的光线效果模拟。

    The main contents include the sea surface modeling and rendering , special effect simulation of ship navigation , sky and ocean simulation of lighting effect .

  17. 该研究之所以意义重大,是因为其结果表明,控制人体周围环境的光线照射或许是一种可左右饮食摄入方式和新陈代谢的新方法。

    These results are important because they suggest that manipulating environmental light exposure for humans may represent a novel approach of influencing food intake patterns and metabolism .

  18. 图像分割技术采用了一种阈值自适应的算法,这样做的目的是为了能够适应环境中光线的变化。

    Second , this program use a self-adapt threshold in the division of image , we do this to adapt the light change impacting the division process .

  19. 之后用亮度信息来检测是否发生光线突变,当检测到环境中光线发生突变时用背景重新建模机制迅速解决。

    Next , it uses the brightness information to detect whether sudden illumination change occurs or not . And when it occurs , the model can resolve it quickly .

  20. 光合细菌广泛分布于自然界的土壤、水田、沼泽、湖泊、江海等处,主要分布于水生环境中光线能透射到的缺氧区。

    Photosynthetic bacteria are widely distributed in the soil , paddy fields , marshes , lakes and rivers etc. , mainly in the anoxic zone of the aquatic environment where light can be transmitted .

  21. 针对图像采集时环境的光线、色彩对比度及亮度带来的影响,选取不同颜色空间对采集效果的影响,以及噪声和目标确定等问题,提出了不同的数字图像处理算法和解决方法。

    Other problems such as the effect of light condition and color contrast level as gathering image , the gathering result for different color spaces , noise and target confirmation etc are put forward different digital picture algorithms .

  22. 采用混合高斯模型来建立背景并自适应更新,很好的解决了由环境中光线变化、干扰物体等动态因素引起的背景失效问题,在很大程序上提高了检测的准确性。

    Mixture of Gaussian model used to establish the background which can adaptive update . It is a good solution for the issue of light changing and background interference in a dynamic environment and improves the detection accuracy .

  23. 论文的主要创新工作包括:1.提出了基于红外热成像技术的高温构件三维尺寸测量方案,减小了在高温环境下光线偏折等原因对测量结果的影响。

    The main innovations of this study include : 1 . For high temperature environment , a solution for 3D size measurement of high-temperature components based on infrared thermal imaging technology was proposed , which can decline the influence of light bending on vision measurement . 2 .

  24. 系统采用自适应处理方式,可较好的消除测量环境中背景光线对CCD输出的影响。

    The method of self-adaptive signal comparison is used in this system for deducing the influence of background rays to the output of the CCDs .

  25. 并基于IDL开发环境,采用光线投射法和zbuffer相结合的直接体绘制算法,实现地质三维分析和可视化。

    Direct Volume Rendering is employed , which includes ray_casting and z_buffer arithmetic . Visualization is realized with programmable data analysis and visualization environment IDL .

  26. 不足之处客观上容易受外界环境干扰例如光线、温度、背景颜色等等。主观上和操作者的操作习惯也有关系。

    Deficiencies of the system is vulnerable to external environment such as light , temperature , background color etc. The effection of experiment have relations with the habits .

  27. 变色龙以他们善变的皮肤出名,他们能根据自身的情绪、环境温度、光线和其他刺激因素来改变他们的肤色。

    Famous for changing the color of their skin , chameleons are more like mood rings , with their color changes reflecting mood , temperature , light , and other stimuli .

  28. 在危险的环境中以及在光线昏暗的条件下,这种监视仍可正常进行。

    In dangerous environments and in the dim light conditions , such surveillance can be carried out normally .

  29. 传统被动红外探测器容易受到环境温度,环境光线强度影响,误报率高。

    The origin passive infrared detectors is easily jammed by factors such as environmental temperature and environmental light intensity .

  30. 尽量安排一个环境比较安静,光线比较暗的时间休息,会比较解乏。

    Arrange an environment as far as possible quieter , the light compares dark time to rest , can compare recover from fatigue .