
huán qiú
  • round the world;the earth;the whole world
环球 [huán qiú]
  • (1) [round the world]∶围绕地球

  • 环球旅行

  • (2) [the earth;the whole world]∶全球,全世界

环球[huán qiú]
  1. 他的梦想是环球航行。

    His ambition is to sail round the world

  2. 这艘游艇的船员为清一色的女性,她们进行了首次环球航行,创造了历史。

    The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world

  3. 有传言说这个乐队将复合作一次环球巡演。

    There have been rumours that the band will reunite for a world tour .

  4. 到1920年,福克斯和环球已经声名显赫。

    By 1920 , Fox and Universal were already names to conjure with .

  5. 一家英国报纸称,英国航空公司计划接管环球航空公司。

    A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways .

  6. 他已花了一年时间为下个月的环球比赛训练队伍。

    He has spent a year training crews for next month 's round the world race .

  7. 他们试图完成乘热气球不间断环球飞行的创举。

    They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by balloon .

  8. 环球公司已同意为格里森姆下一部还未动笔的小说支付250万英镑。

    Universal have agreed to pay £ 2.5 million for Grisham 's next , as yet unwritten , novel .

  9. 我给环球剧院打电话告知了布莱克的死讯,然后在《泰晤士报》的私人广告栏登了讣告。

    I rang The Globe with news of Blake 's death , and put notices in the personal column of The Times

  10. 他是第一个驾驶飞机作环球飞行的飞行员。

    He was the first pilot to fly a plane around the world .

  11. 他作环球航行。

    He sailed round the globe .

  12. 我们正计划做一次环球旅行。

    We 're planning to travel around the globe .

  13. 这本新杂志被命名为《环球荧屏》。

    The new magazine was entitled the world screen .

  14. 她作过环球航行。

    She has sailed round the world .

  15. 该船迄今已有相当于环球10周的航程记录。

    The ship has now logged up voyages equal to a distance ten times round the world .

  16. 据《波士顿环球报》报道,2012年获得学士学位的学生每月平均贷款为312美元,比2004年的毕业生高出三分之一。

    According to The Boston Globe , students who earned their bachelor 's in 2012 have an average monthly loan payment of $ 312 , which is one-third more than those who graduated in 2004 .

  17. 多伦多的一位男士正在为合适的女士提供免费的环球飞行服务。

    A   Toronto   man   is   offering   a   free   round-the-world   air   to   the   right   woman .

  18. 28岁的乔丹·阿克萨尼说,他和当时的女友伊丽莎白·加拉赫在5月份订了大打折扣的环球机票,但后来他们的关系结束了,他不希望浪费她的那张机票。

    Jordan Axani , 28 , said he and his then girlfriend , Elizabeth Gallagher , booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May , but their relationship ended and he did not want her ticket to go to waste .

  19. 但很少有人能负担得起环球旅行,因为食宿和机票都太贵了。

    But very few people can afford a global tour because hotels , food and airplane tickets are too expensive .

  20. 亲爱的《星期日环球报》,我写信是想说关于上周日你们报纸上刊登的《智能手机让生活更轻松》一文。

    Dear Sunday Globe , I am writing to tell you about your article Smartphones Make Life Easier in last Sunday 's newspaper .

  21. 是的,我对沃瑟曼说,如果他敢胡来的话我就离开环球影片公司。

    Yes , I told Wasserman I 'd leave Universal if there was any monkey business .

  22. 不售票,不可转让北京环球影城试运行门票不会对公众售卖,且不可转让。

    Universal Studios Beijing Trial Operations Tickets will not be sold to the general public and cannot be transferred .

  23. 环球最HOT的6大商旅城市

    Top 6 Hot Business Trip Destinations in the World

  24. COO我选择NBC环球(NBCUniversal)的史蒂夫•伯克。

    Coo is Steve Burke from NBC Universal ( cmcsa ) .

  25. 那是几年前的事,当时朱克是NBC环球(NBCUniversal)的CEO。

    That was a few years ago , when Zucker was CEO of NBC Universal .

  26. 但迪拜世界旗下的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld)表示,它不在此次债务重组范围之内。该公司是全球最大港口运营商之一。

    But DP World , one of the world 's top port operators controlled by Dubai World , said it was excluded from the restructuring .

  27. 10月31日明富环球(MFGlobal)宣布破产,这是自2008年雷曼兄弟垮台以来的最大一起金融公司破产案。

    On October31st , in the biggest collapse of a financial firm since that of Lehman Brothers in2008 , MF Global went bankrupt .

  28. 上海环球金融中心C60自密实混凝土的研制与应用

    Development of C60 SCC and its Application to Shanghai World Financial Center

  29. 环球影视(NBCUniversal)正在与微软公司(Microsoft)进行正式谈判,拟回购微软全国有线广播电视公司(MSNBC.com)。

    Nbcuniversal is in serious negotiations with Microsoft to buy back MSNBC .

  30. 环球电影制片公司是通用电子公司的NBC环球公司一部分。

    Universal Pictures , a unit of General Electric Co 's NBC Universal .