
  1. 澳大利亚一季度GDP的环比增幅为0.4%。

    Australia 's GDP grew 0.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the first three months of the year .

  2. 这导致一些国家的经济季度环比增幅出现剧烈波动,例如,新加坡第三季度GDP环比降幅达到了创纪录的19.8%。

    That has led to extremely volatile quarter-on-quarter growth in some countries , with third-quarter GDP down a record 19.8 per cent in Singapore , for example .

  3. 周五,中国还首度公布了经济季度环比增幅的官方测算。测算显示,经季节性因素调整后,一季度GDP环比增长2.1%。

    On Friday , China also released its first ever official estimate of quarter-on-quarter growth , which showed the economy expanded 2.1 per cent in the first quarter from the fourth quarter of last year on a seasonally adjusted basis .

  4. 中国不发布发达国家广泛采用的季度环比增幅比较数据。

    China does not publish quarter-on-quarter comparisons which are widely used in developed countries .

  5. 亚洲第五大经济体韩国在第三季度实现2.9%的环比增幅,该国出口商得益于中国需求的不断上升。

    Asia 's fifth-largest economy grew 2.9 per cent from the previous quarter as South Korean exporters benefited from rising Chinese demand .

  6. 通胀的主要原因是食品涨价。国家统计局表示,环比增幅的近三分之二来自于食品价格上涨。

    The main contributor to inflation was the cost of food , which the statistics bureau said accounted for nearly two-thirds of the month-on-month increase .

  7. 同样于周一发布的广受外界关注的汇丰中国制造业采购经理人指数从52.9上升至54.8。这是该数据自2004年4月首次发布以来,出现的最大的环比增幅之一。

    The widely watched HSBC China manufacturing PMI , also released on Monday , moved up to 54.8 from 52.9 in one of the biggest month-on-month rises since the series began in April 2004 .

  8. 第三季度,内地白领月均工资上涨4.1%,至7531元,环比增幅近300元。

    In the third quarter , the average monthly salary of white collar workers across the Chinese mainland rose 4.1 % to 7531 yuan , an increase of around 300 yuan over the second quarter .

  9. 中国汽车工业协会周一说,8月乘用车销量为122万辆,同比增长11%,环比增长9%,是3月实现环比增长15%以来的最大月度环比增幅。

    The association said Monday that car makers sold 1.22 million passenger vehicles in August , up 11 % from a year earlier and 9 % from July , marking the biggest monthly rise since the 15 % month-on-month increase in March .