
  • 网络Abisko;Abisko National Park
  1. 在瑞典阿比斯库国家公园,分外显眼的红色秋木与高起的雪山形成鲜明对比。

    The intensely red autumnal trees in Sweden 's Abisko National Park contrast starkly with the snowcapped mountains rising above them .

  2. 曼哈顿的游客可以乘坐直升飞机,飞上蓝天,而后冲向炫目的中央公园,而漫步于瑞典阿比斯库国家公园的人们将同样被迷人的秋叶景观所吸引。

    Visitors in Manhattan might like to take to the skies and swoop over a dazzling Central Park by helicopter , while ramblers in Abisko National Park in Sweden will also be rewarded with eye-catching foliage .