
  • 网络The center of the ring;the centers of rings
  1. 环的中心幂等元与Boolean代数的表示

    Central idempotent elements of and the representation of Boolean algebras

  2. 给出了半质环的中心元与交换性的几个定理。

    Some centre element and commutativity theorems of semiprime rings are given .

  3. 半质环的中心元与交换性

    Some Centre Element and Commutativity Theorems of Semi-prime Rings

  4. 任意域上全阵环的中心指数

    Central index of matrix ring on arbitrary field

  5. 半质环的中心元

    Central Element of Semiprime Ring

  6. 给出半质环的中心元与交换性的几个定理,推广了文献〔2,3〕中的结果。

    Some centre elemene and commutativity theorems of semiprime rings are given , some results in paper [ 2 , 3 ] are extened .

  7. 这使它们成为全球it业受经济下滑打击最严重一环的中心。

    This places them at the centre of one of the hardest - hit segments of the global IT industry as a result of the economic downturn .

  8. 主要给出了弱半素理想的一些性质,证明了弱半素环的中心是约化环。

    In this paper , we mainly give some properties of weakly semiprime ideals and prove the following result : the center of weakly semiprime ring is reduced ring .

  9. 为了支撑低层次的管理控制和高层次的自我治理,敏捷团队需要关注于团队管理环的中心部分&连接。

    To sustain a low level of leadership control and a high level of autonomy , Agile Teams need to focus on the central part of the Team Management Wheel – Linking .

  10. 以上海市外环以内的中心城区为区域背景,基于SPOT全色波段遥感影像数据和GIS技术,运用空间统计分析方法,研究城市景观格局的空间尺度效应。

    Based on SPOT remote sensing images and GIS , choosing the central area of the external circle highway in Shanghai as a case study area , the paper studied the spatial scaling effect of the urban landscape pattern with different grains and extents .

  11. 半素PI&环的超中心

    The hypercenter of semiprime pi - ring

  12. 分配素近环中的中心化可加映射

    Centralizing additive mappings in distributive prime Near-Rings

  13. 本文报道甲地孕酮Ⅱ型硅橡胶阴道避孕环的多中心临床研究。共接受合格健康育龄妇女449名。

    A clinical study of type ⅱ megestrol silicone vaginal ring was carried out from July 1984 to March 1986 . A total of 449 volunteers was recruited .

  14. 文章引入环的超中心的概念,对超中心的性质、超中心是中心的条件、换位子理想与超中心之间的联系三方面进行了研究,最终得到了环的超中心的若干漂亮性质。

    Moreover , three aspects which are the propertiesof hypercenter of ring , the factors of which hypercenter is center , and the contact of commutator ideal and hypercenter would be researched .

  15. 设C为半素环R的扩张中心。

    Let C be the extended centroid of a semiprime ring R.

  16. 总体来看,唐山市城市化发展模式呈现:第一,点轴发展向网络发展模式转型;第二,以两环为契机的中心外围发展模式。

    Overall , the pattern of urbanization development in Tangshan City : first , point-axis development model is transforming to the network model .

  17. 发现中心五元环的化合物比中心六元环的化合物有着高得多的荧光量子产率。

    It has been found that compound with central five member ring possesses higher fluorescence quantum yield than that of central six member ring .

  18. 它处于环渤海经济圈的中心地带。

    It is located at the heart of the Bohai economic rim .

  19. 滨海新区处于环渤海会展带的中心位置,会展业在打造北方经济中心的过程中,具有重要的战略地位。

    Binhai New Area in the center of Bohai Sea with an important strategic position .

  20. 滨海新区位于环渤海湾地区的中心位置。

    Binhai New Area is situated at the center of the Bohai Bay Rim area .

  21. 天津作为环渤海经济圈的中心城市,拥有较好的地缘优势。

    Tianjin as the central city of Bohai Economic Rim , has good geographical advantages .

  22. 素近环上的理想和中心化映射

    Ideal and centralizing mapping in prime near-rings

  23. 它处于环渤海经济圈的中心地带,是大连对外开放的起点。

    The Dalian Eco-Tech Development Zone is the starting point of Dalian 's efforts to open itself to the outside world .

  24. 大连作为环渤海经济区的中心,是东北地区的交通枢纽和现代化中心城市。

    Dalian as area of economy of annulus Bohai center , is the northeastern region of the transport hub and a modern center city .

  25. 天津市作为建设中的国际化大都市和环渤海地区的经济中心,用地问题尤为重要。

    As the abuilding international metropolis and economic center of the Rounding Bohai Area , Tianjin city has paid more attention in land utilization .

  26. 青岛市坐落于山东半岛的东部,是半岛制造业基地和环渤海经济圈的中心城市,也是山东省经济发展的重点城市,其经济发展的健康与否直接影响着整个山东乃至全国的发展。

    Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong , it is the central city of the manufacturing base and the economic circle which surrounded Bo-sea .

  27. 但天津有着沿海的优势,是中国北方第一大港和环渤海地区的经济中心。

    However , Tianjin , which enjoys the advantage as a coastal city , is the largest seaport of North Chinathe economic center across the Bohai Sea Region .

  28. 成为国际化综合型强港是锦州港口一直以来的发展目标,锦州港处于环渤海经济带的中心位置,有着良好的区位优势。

    Into an international integrated port has been the development goals of the Jinzhou port , Jinzhou port is in the center of the Bohai Economic Zone , has a good location advantages .

  29. 在层间三角面片填充方面,采用层间轮廓环按环的性质、几何中心和周长进行匹配的层间匹配算法;

    In triangle plane filling between layers , the loop matching operator between layers was adopted , which is that the loops were matched according to their characters , geometry centers and perimeters .