
zhào ying
  • look after;take care of;see after;coordinate


zhào yìng
  • coordinate;correlate
照应 [zhào yìng]
  • (1) [see after]∶照顾;照料

  • 照应行李

  • (2) [coordinate]∶配合;对照呼应

  • 相互照应

照应[zhào yìng]
照应[zhào ying]
  1. 我担保如果林惇有我去照应他,他的身体会很快好起来。

    And I 'm certain Linton would recover quickly if he had me to look after him .

  2. 我们国家依赖于那些照应邻里和用爱去抚慰迷失者的人们。

    Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbor and surround the lost with love .

  3. 文章要前后照应。

    The ending of a composition should be correlated with its beginning .

  4. 护士对病人照应得很好。

    The nurses take good care of the patients .

  5. 他照应贫民。

    He ministers to the poor .

  6. PRO照应性约束特征的解释

    Interpretation of Anaphoric Binding of PRO Q & A on Sex

  7. 运用控制理论对英语中空语类PRO的照应特征进行分析,同时对汉语中PRO的照应特征做出归纳。

    This paper intends to analyse the anaphoric features of PRO in English as well as in Chinese .

  8. OT方案与照应语的约束

    OT Models and Anaphoric Binding

  9. 本论文以英语和汉语的真实语料为基础,拟对空语类PRO在英、汉语中的照应性约束特征进行研究。

    This paper is intended to investigate into the properties of anaphoric binding of PRO , which is one type of empty categories .

  10. 在CohesioninEnglish书中,韩礼德和哈桑提出了五种衔接手段,分别是照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接。

    In the book Cohesion in English written by Halliday and Hassan , there are five types of cohesive devices , namely reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunction and lexical cohesion .

  11. 韩里德和哈森在CohesioninEnglish一书中,把英语的衔接手段分为照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接五类,其中照应、替代、省略、连接又统称为语法衔接。

    In Cohesion in English , Halliday and Hasan divided English textual cohesion into reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunction and lexical cohesion . And reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunction are totally referred to as grammar cohesion .

  12. 本文从Halliday和Hasan关于语篇照应的理论出发,指出其静态分析对语篇照应解释的局限性。

    Beginning with Halliday & Hasan 's theory on discourse reference , this paper firstly points out the limitations of static analysis on discourse reference .

  13. 照应语所以叫间接照应,依据在于:其照应对象(i)在上文中未明确提及,(ii)但可根据篇内已知信息获得。

    An anaphora is said to be indirect when it refers to a referent ( I ) which has not been explicitly mentioned in the prior context , and ( ii ) which can be identified on the basis of the information provided in this context .

  14. 随着语言学的发展,尤其是功能语法和篇章语言学的出现,人们愈发意识到照应关系的重要性,Halliday(1976)把名词的省略甚至是超越句段的语义关系称之为照应关系。

    Along with the development of linguistics , especially with the appearance of functional grammar and discourse linguistics , more people have been aware of the importance of anaphora . Halliday ( 1976 ) even regards the ellipses of nouns beyond the boundary of sentences as anaphoric .

  15. 指代、照应与英语写作教学

    On Deixis , Anaphora and the Teaching of Writing in English

  16. 我的助手会为你照应那些琐事的。

    My assistant will take care of the details for you .

  17. 结构严密完整,前后照应;

    B. the structure is complete , compact and well organized ;

  18. 我和朋友在照应展销会上的这个摊点。

    My friends and I manned the booth at the fair .

  19. 大家要时刻保护好自己互相照应

    as always protect yourselves , watch each other 's backs .

  20. 语法衔接手段主要有:照应、省略、替代等。

    Grammatical Cohesion : anaphora , ellipsis , substitution and so on .

  21. 在构图中还要注意画面中物与物之间要相互照应,互相联系。

    Attention should also be paid to the relationship between different objects .

  22. 间接照应是语言学中一项较新的研究领域。

    Indirect anaphora is a relatively new field in recent linguistic research .

  23. 最后,简要地探讨了旁指代词的照应功能在英语中的表现形式。

    Last , it analyses the corresponding form in English .

  24. 人称照应衔接手段存在于英汉两种语言中。

    Personal reference exists in English and Chinese as grammatical cohesive device .

  25. 本研究是对英语名词照应的一个初步探讨。

    This is a tentative study of nominal anaphora in English text .

  26. 外语立体化教学法照应下的大学英语教学实践

    Practice of College English Teaching with the Guidance of 3-D Teaching Approach

  27. 英汉语篇指示代词照应及其翻译的对比

    Reference of Demonstratives between English and Chinese and Its Application in Translation

  28. 有人照应那些日本客人吗?

    Is there anyone to attend to those Japanese guests ?

  29. 汉语第三人称代词照应与法语相应结构的对比

    The Comparison of Third-person Pronoun Reference between Chinese and French

  30. 英语国家学生初级汉语语篇照应偏误考察

    Error Investigation of Elementary Chinese Discourse Learning of English Learners