
zhào xiànɡ ɡuǎn
  • photo studio
  1. 例如,《时光代理人》是绘梦动画和其他公司合作出品的一部原创动画剧集,讲述了两个年轻人经营照相馆的的故事。

    For example , Time Agents is an original series from Haoliners Animation League and other companies . It is the story of two young men who run a photo studio .

  2. 你收到艾瑞亚关于卢卡斯和照相馆的短信了吗

    Did you get Aria 's text about Lucas and the photo studio ? Yeah .

  3. 照相馆对门儿是家餐厅。

    Opposite the photo shop is a restaurant .

  4. 回家两天后,Lloyd和Fred把已经感光的胶卷从相机取出来并把它带到照相馆去冲洗。

    A couple of days after returning home , Lloyd and Fred took the exposed film out of their camera and took it to the camera shop to be developed .

  5. 不像《辣妈辣妹》(FreakyFriday),这部影片没有身份互换,而是七十多岁、唠唠叨叨的婆婆沈梦君在去了一个神秘的照相馆之后变回了20岁时的模样。

    In this case , no bodies are switched à la " Freaky Friday " ; instead , a nagging septuagenarian mother-in-law , Shen Mengjun , turns back into her 20-year-old self after visiting a mysterious photography studio .

  6. 照相馆见好的

    I 'll see you at the photo shoot . Okay .

  7. 他们到照相馆去照相。

    They go to the studio to have their photo take .

  8. 我听说在这个海滩附近有一个很受欢迎的照相馆。

    I heard there is a popular photo gallery on this beach .

  9. 照相馆里用的是专用相机。

    In the photographer 's , they use studio cameras .

  10. 艾瑞亚说她认识开这家照相馆的摄影师

    Aria says that she knows the photographer who owns the studio ,

  11. 宾馆里有照相馆吗?汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。

    The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house .

  12. 拍了一天的照片后,艾凡回到那家照相馆。

    Evan goes back to the photography shop after a day of shooting .

  13. 昨天我在照相馆拍了一张全身照。

    Yesterday I had my picture taken at the studio at full length .

  14. 她打算去照相馆照相。

    She 's going to the photographer 's to have her photograph taken .

  15. 当地照相馆一个小时就可以把胶卷冲洗出来。

    On-site photo shops process film in one hour .

  16. 照相馆在生意最好的月份能赚到1百万台币。

    The studio makes up to NT $ 1 million in busy months .

  17. 人们前来这些临时照相馆领回他们的照片。

    that had been set up , where people were reclaiming their photos .

  18. 宾馆里有照相馆吗?

    Is there a studio in the hotel ?

  19. 她是给丈夫帮忙看着照相馆的。

    She helped her husband with the studio .

  20. 请务必浏览了照相馆,以及视频画廊。

    Be sure to check out the Photo Gallery as well as the Video Gallery .

  21. 艾凡找到一家照相馆,走进去和店员讲话。

    Evan finds a photography shop , goes in , and talks with the clerk .

  22. 那么我们约好一起去新形象照相馆照像,如何?

    A : How about going to the New Appearance Photo Room to take some photos ?

  23. 最近的照相馆在哪?

    Where is the nearest photographer ?

  24. 也做过房地产、广告设计,开过照相馆。

    He once was engaged in real estate , advertisement design and also owner of studio .

  25. 您在本照相馆的每一张留影,都将给您带来温馨与甜蜜的回忆。

    Every photo taken in this studio will remind you of the warm and sweet past .

  26. 每周,我们都在临时照相馆里架起扫描设备,

    Once a week , we would set up our scanning equipment in the temporary photo libraries

  27. 全市的照相馆用的照相纸都是他们公司生产的。

    All the photo studios in the city use the photographic paper produced by their company .

  28. 所有的照相馆都有卖。

    All photography shops carry them .

  29. 这是甚至有一个照相馆

    There is even a photo studio

  30. 山区小镇,没有一家照相馆的时候,我的小学毕业照是县上的照相师傅到我们完小拍摄的。

    When I graduated from the elementary school , there was still no photo studio in our mountainous town .