
  • 网络film company
  1. 1929年离开明星影片公司,进入联华影业公司,阮玲玉便成为联华的基本演员。

    In 1929 , she transferred to Lianhua Film Company .

  2. 1930年初,黎北海等创办了香港影片公司,制作出其创业作《左慈戏曹》。真正令香港电影业稳步发展的是1930年由民新与其他几家电影公司合并而成的联华影业公司。

    At the beginning of 1930 , Li Beihai established Hong Kong Film Company with other people , and produced itspioneering work The Witty Sorcerer , It was Uanhua Film Company united by Minxin and other several film companies that made Hong Kong film industry developed steadily .