
  1. 联合国邮票是微型艺术品,曾经赢得过国际设计奖。

    United Nations stamps are miniature works of art , which have won international design awards .

  2. 联合国邮票在联合国纽约、日内瓦和维也纳办事处同时发行。

    United Nations stamps are issued simultaneously at UN offices in New York , Geneva and Vienna .

  3. 制作联合国邮票时实行的安全控制同印刷钞票时完全一样。

    UN stamps are produced under the same security controls used for the printing of bank notes .

  4. 联合国邮票描绘了联合国和联合国组织大家庭的宗旨和成就。

    UN stamps have illustrated the aims and achievements of the United Nations and its family of organizations .

  5. 人们可以直接或通过邮件向有邮管处购买或从邮票商处购买联合国邮票。

    The stamps are available from UNPA offices in person or by mail , and from stamp dealers .

  6. 联合国邮票由世界各地的艺术家创作,由不同国家的最优良、最可靠地印刷厂印刷。

    They are created by artists from around the world , and printed in different countries by the finest security printers .

  7. 联合国邮票在全世界由可靠印刷所印刷,可以是政府印刷所也可以是可靠的私人印刷公司。

    UN stamps are printed all over the world by security printers , both government printing offices and private security printing firms .

  8. 集邮人士欣赏联合国邮票的精美质量,因为邮票要通过许多道质量控制,邮管处还要仔细检查邮票又没有任何瑕疵。

    Collectors appreciate the high quality of the stamps , which undergo many quality controls and are screened by UNPA for any flaws .

  9. 1947年,阿根廷首先提出联合国发行邮票的主张。

    The idea of the United Nations issuing its own stamps was first proposed by Argentina in1947 .

  10. 个人或小团体可以在游览的起始点&参观者入口处附近的联合国个性化邮票店照相。

    A single person or a small group can have there photo image taken at the UN Personalized stamp Shop located near the visitors entrance where the tours start .

  11. 联合国环境保护邮票基金信托基金

    United Nations Trust Fund for the Environment Stamp Conservation Fund

  12. 联合国第一批邮票于1951年10月24日联合国日以美元面值发行。

    The first United Nations stamps were issued in U.S.dollar denominations on United Nations Day , 24 October , in1951 .