
píng jú
  • draw;tie;score draw
平局 [píng jú]
  • [draw;tie] 比赛不分胜负(多指球赛或棋赛)

平局[píng jú]
  1. 最后,他们只好接受平局的结果。

    In the end they had to settle for a draw .

  2. 他们奋力打成了2:2平局,值得敬佩。

    They managed an honourable 2 – 2 draw .

  3. 我们终于追成了平局。

    We finally managed a hard-earned draw .

  4. 我们需要一场胜利,平局根本不行。

    We need a win — a draw won 't do at all

  5. 埃及在意大利收获了两场平局。

    Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy .

  6. 看来他们顶多只能指望打个平局了。

    A draw seems the best they can hope for

  7. 罗南·拉弗蒂和弗兰克·诺比洛打成了平局。

    Ronan Rafferty had tied with Frank Nobilo .

  8. 这场比赛以零比零的平局收场。

    The fixture ended in a goalless draw

  9. 那场比赛以平局收场。

    The match ended in a draw

  10. 世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。

    The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece .

  11. 比分屡次出现平局。

    The score was tied several times .

  12. 米奇进球了,但是进错了门,球进了我儿子球队的门,比赛以平局结束。

    Mickey had scored , but in the wrong gate , the ball went into the gate of my son 's team , ending the game in a draw .

  13. 这次比赛出现两次平局,在第二个四分之一场的第五分钟宾夕法尼亚州队第一次将比分拉平。

    Pennsylvania produced the first of the game 's two deadlocks at 5:00 of the second quarter .

  14. 罗纳尔多最后一刻的进球打碎了AC米兰的取得平局的美梦。

    Ronaldo 's last-minute goal shattered the fond dream of the AC Milan to tie the game .

  15. 所以才把他们放到了B中,因为WDC不允许出现平局。

    That puts them at B , since WDC won 't allow for ties .

  16. 但如果你比赛平局时你指出“25字或less(更少)”其实就是“25字或fewer(更少)。”这种误用同样也出现在反义词“morethan”和“greaterthan”。

    But you don 't win many competitions with a tie break if you point out that " 25 words or less " should actually be " 25 words or fewer . " The antonyms " more than " and " greater than " get similarly misused .

  17. 信托委员会主任弗莱德欧文(fredirwin)表示,他并不认为投票会出现平局,并表明将单纯基于经济方面的考虑做出决定。

    Fred Irwin , head of the trust board , has said he does not expect a draw , arguing that a decision would be taken on purely economic grounds .

  18. 联赛领头羊在埃弗顿只取得了平局,这让他们还领先曼联3分。上半场阿邦拉霍的头球让维拉在OT取胜。

    The league leaders could only manage a draw at home to Everton , leaving them just three points in front of the Reds , but Gabby Agbonlahor 's first half header earned Villa a famous win at Old Trafford .

  19. 这名19岁的球员在比赛的第91分钟打入制胜一球。这仅仅发生在维特斯队与罗达JC队1比1陷入平局,张玉宁替补登场的3分钟之后。

    The 19-year-old scored the winner in the 91st minute , three minutes after he was pitched on as a substitute when Vitesse Arnhem and Roda JC seemed to see the game end with a 1-1 draw .

  20. 1812年战争,学者和历史学家们认为是平局;

    War of1812.Believed by scholars andhistorians alike to be a DRAW .

  21. 战争虽然平局收场,但是却让朝鲜分裂为2个国家。

    The fighting ends in a draw , leaving Korea divided .

  22. 双方在那场输球之前的三场交锋都是平局。

    The three games before that defeat all ended in draws .

  23. 如果打平将是贝帅任下的第50场平局。

    A draw would be the50th under Rafa in league games .

  24. 在过去的6次交锋中有6场平局。

    In the last six games there have been six draws .

  25. 在伊朗大选中,本来是个平局。

    In the Iranian elections , it was a tie .

  26. 这是双方在都灵交锋上的第一次平局。

    This was the first historical draw of the Veneti in Turin .

  27. 当地锦标赛的第一场赛事以平局结束。

    The first game of the local championship finished in a draw .

  28. 这场比赛结果平局,二比二。

    The game ended in a tie , 2 to2 .

  29. 这场比赛的结果是以零比零而平局的。

    The final outcome of the game was 0-0 tie .

  30. 无论赢,输,还是平局,游戏会一直继续。

    Win , lose or draw , the game is in progress .