
pínɡ miàn kònɡ zhì diǎn
  • horizontal control point
  1. 也谈平面控制点的相对点位精度问题

    On the Relative Positional Error of Horizontal Control Point

  2. 由1:10万地形图选取平面控制点对TM磁带进行精处理,平面定位精度为半个象元,精度较高;

    When the precise geometric rectification of TM imagery was made with the ground control points selected from topographic map in scale of1:100000 , the accuracy of half a pixel is high .

  3. 通过由平面将控制点移动到设计给定的几何位置,寻求了一个与给定预应力值分布及结构几何控制参数相对应的平衡的形状,建立了一种悬索结构的初始形状确定分析方法。

    The control points are moved from a plane to the given geometric position , and then the form balancing the given prestress distribution and the geometric control parameters of the structure is found . In this way an initial form-finding ; analysis of the cable structure is developed .

  4. 计算平面控制网相对点位精度的新公式

    A new formula for calculation relative point position precision of horizontal control network

  5. 平面控制网相对点位误差的合理评定与分析

    Theoretical analysis and suitable evaluation of the relative position error of plane control network

  6. 介绍了利用线路平面控制网的控制点测设道路工程中组合曲线中线桩点位的坐标计算、测设方法。

    A method for calculating and measuring the coordinates of centering stakes using line control counts in plane control meshwork is introduced in highway construction in this paper .