
kònɡ zhì yuán
  • control source
  1. 研究组在此基础上联合控制源和健康行为训练,观察随访2a。

    Research group combined with control source and health behavior training , and followed up for two years .

  2. 第二,生命意义、完美主义、自我效能感与心理控制源四者之间均存在显著相关(p0.01,p0.05),并且完美主义可以预测个体生命意义水平。

    Secondly , the life meaning , perfectionism , self-efficacy and mental control source existed significant difference ( p0.01 , p0.05 ) . The perfectionism can predict the level of individual life meaning .

  3. 本研究分别采用内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表(IPC)和身体自我量表(PICC)作为测量心理控制源与身体自我的客观指标。

    In this study were used internally . The influence of others and opportunities Scale ( IPC ), and physical self-Scale ( PICC ) as a measurement of locus of control and body Self-objective indicators .

  4. 通过控制源区和生长端的温度梯度,使用碳辅助增强质量传输效应,在无籽晶自发成核的条件下,得到了晶粒尺寸达5mm×8mm的ZnO晶体。

    The size of the self-nucleated grown ZnO single crystal is 5mm × 8mm through the control of temperature gradient of source and growth zones and the assistance of mass transport enhancement effect of carbon in the growth process .

  5. 方法选取兰州某大学2005级医学新生700名进行自尊量表(SES)、心理控制源(IPC)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)测试。

    Methods By using Self-Esteem Scale ( SES ), Internality , Powerful Others , and Chance Scale ( IPC ) and Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ), a cluster sampling of 700 medical students in grade one in Lanzhou University .

  6. 为了正确评定婚后心理与家庭关系状况,参考Olson婚姻质量问卷和心理控制源量表,编制了婚后心理与家庭关系量表,并对量表的信度和效度进行了评定。

    The scale of married psychology and family relationship was made after consulting Olsen marital quality questionnaire and the marital locus of control scale in order to eval uate married psychology and family relationship correctly .

  7. 耦合线的长度同样控制源-负载耦合的强弱,影响传输零点。

    The length of coupled lines also can control transmission zeros .

  8. 心理控制源期望的认知-知识系统模型

    A cognitive-knowledge system model on the construct of locus of control

  9. 心理控制源各因子与应付方式各因子存在显著相关。

    Locus of control factors and coping style factors are significantly related .

  10. 子女教育心理控制源与4~5岁儿童行为问题相关研究

    A Correlation Study Between Parenting Control Locus and Behavioral Problems

  11. 用验证性因素分析方法对心理控制源量表的分析研究

    The Research of Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Locus of Control

  12. 师范大学生心理控制源与网络成瘾关系研究

    Relationship Between Locus of Control and Internet Addiction Among Normal University Students

  13. 大学生的心理控制源与自我反省之间存在极其显著的相关关系。

    College students ' locus of control and self-reflection had very significant relevant .

  14. 智能假肢控制源

    A Study of the Intelligent Prostheses ' Controlling Source

  15. 大学生闲暇生活自我管理与心理控制源的关系研究

    Relationship Between Self-management of Leisure Life , Locus of Control of College Students

  16. 工作心理控制源量表中文译本的应用研究

    Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of work locus of control scale

  17. 心理控制源与师范生心理健康相关研究

    Correlation Between Locus of Control and the Mental Health of Normal University Students

  18. 羞耻倾向与自尊和心理控制源倾向之间存在有意义的关系。

    There are certain relation between shame-proneness and self-esteem and locus of control .

  19. 目的探讨工作心理控制源与职业紧张的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between work locus control and occupational stress .

  20. 探究大学生网络成瘾与心理控制源的关系

    A Study on the Relationship Between IAD and Locus of Control Among University Students

  21. 大一新生学业拖延与心理控制源、时间管理倾向的关系

    Relationship among University-freshman ' Academic Procrastination , Locus of Control and Time Management Disposition

  22. 大学生心理控制源与人际信任研究

    A Research on the Locus of Control and the Interpersonal Trust of College Students

  23. 大学生心理控制源与身体自我相关。

    Students locus of control and physical self-related .

  24. 孤独、抑郁、焦虑与心理控制源

    Loneness Depression Anxiety And The Locus Of Control

  25. 心理控制源倾向与抑郁、羞耻、及自尊的关系初探

    The relationship between locus of control , depression , shame , and self & esteem

  26. 心理控制源、成就目标定向作为学习动机系统的变量对个体的学习行为有着重要影响。

    Locus of control and achievement goal orientation affect a lot on individual study behavior .

  27. 山东省高校高水平篮球运动员成就目标及心理控制源的研究

    Shandong Province University High Level Basketball Player Achievement Goal and Mental Locus of Control Research

  28. 师范大学生人际关系控制源因素的调查研究

    An Investigation on Relationship between Locus of Control and Human Relationship among Students in Normal University

  29. 控制源与健康行为的干预&提高离退休人员生活满意度的准实验研究

    Interventions of Locus of Control and Healthy Behavior & A Quasi-Experiment on Retirees ' Life Satisfaction

  30. 心理控制源与抑郁

    Locus of Control and Depression