
  • 网络control body
  1. 作者说明了控制主体的一些主要职责,并随后演示了如何有效地实现SOA控制。

    The author illustrates some key responsibilities of a governance body and shows you how you can effectively implement SOA governance .

  2. 其控制主体采用DSP(数字信号处理器)结合CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)。

    The control mainframe of the robot is composed of a Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) and a Complex Programmable Logic Device ( CPLD ) .

  3. 在本文的例子中,访问控制主体就是调用MDM服务的用户,这毫不奇怪。

    Not surprisingly , in this article 's example , the subject of access control is the user calling an MDM service .

  4. 该系统以PROFIBUS现场总线为核心,以可编程控制器PLC为控制主体,以计算机为系统编程、组态、维护、监控和管理的一体化工作平台。

    PROFIBUS net is the core of this system , PLC is the control subject , computer is the work platform of system write program 、 defend 、 monitor control and manage .

  5. 其控制主体为YAG脉冲激光电源,为了实现激光电源正常工作需要的各种控制信号,制作了基于PC机局部总线的接口控制卡。

    This thesis researches the PC-based CNC system under WINDOWS OS . The main object of this system is YAG Pulse LASER Power . A control card has been done to generate the required signal of laser power .

  6. 这些技术包括访问控制主体识别、访问控制客体识别、IO操作拦截等。它们将用于改进SSDSSDK的安全性。

    This technology include the identification of subject and object in access control model , the hook of IO operation etc. It will use for improve the security of the SSDS SDK .

  7. 在Gluecode标准版中可以定义多个安全域,然后通过提供一套访问控制主体,对用户进行身份验证和授权。

    Multiple security realms can be defined in Gluecode Standard Edition to authenticate and authorize users by providing a set of principals for access control .

  8. 高速公路建设资金控制主体的明确与构建;

    Establish the entity system of capital controlling in the expressway construction in Hubei province .

  9. 研究设计了路面施工协调决策各智能控制主体的控制器;

    Researching the design of Agent controllers for coordination-controlling and decision-making system in road construction ;

  10. 双元控制主体企业采取现金交易的方式逃避增值税。

    This paper focus on the double-controlled enterprises that owner evades VAT by selling for cash with the operator 's complot .

  11. 竞技体育异化的本质是竞技体育主体与客体的关系出现错位,客体反过来支配和控制主体。

    Sport alienation is the nature of competitive sports the relationship between subject and object appear dislocation , object in turn control and control subjects .

  12. 构建了由成本控制主体、对象、目标、方法组成的成本控制体系,并对其成本控制的绩效评价进行举例说明。

    Construction cost control by the main body , object , objectives , approach constitutes a cost control system , and its cost-control performance evaluation example .

  13. 与此同时,现代企业所有权和经营权的分离,形成企业中客观存在的两个控制主体,即企业所有者和受托经营者,这也使得企业在逃税决策的制定过程中存在双元控制主体。

    On the other way , the separation of ownership and management of modern enterprises , make the enterprises form two control subjects , namely owner and operator .

  14. 其次,本文定义了基于安全和经济的事件发生机制,利用离散事件驱动控制主体,实现了复合指标的调控。

    Then we define the stability event and the economic event to drive the system , through which we achieve the synthetic objects of safety , stability and economy .

  15. 从控制主体方面探讨网络社会控制是一个新的研究问题的视角,具有重要的现实意义。

    Research into the network social control in the respect of control subjects , which is a new angle of view to deal with the problem , is of great practical significance .

  16. 权力决定了领导者与被领导者的等级关系,形成控制主体与控制对象之间的支配与被支配格局,不同的权力分配模式影响着内控制度贯彻执行的效果;

    The power determines the relation of leader and member , which forms the pattern of control of subject and object . Different distribution of power affects the performance of the internal control .

  17. 其次,要完善平台的风险预警机制、健全平台的风险管理组织体系,提升内部控制主体的风险管理水平。

    Secondly , to improve the risk of an early warning mechanism of the platform , a sound platform for the risk management organization system to enhance the level of risk management , internal control subject .

  18. 介绍了以8031单片机为控制主体的盐浴炉自动温度控制系统。该系统可对3台盐浴炉炉温预置,并分8段进行联控。

    The paper introduces a system which is controlled by 8031 single-board micro - computer and could control the temperature of three salt-bathe stoves automatically and simultaneously in pre-setting temperature and eight segments con - trolling mode .

  19. 本文介绍的信号处理仪是以双8098单片机为控制主体,可发出两路相位与频率可调的正弦信号、并可对输入信号进行相位检测与频率检测。

    The paper introduces a meter which is controlled by double 8098 single-board micro - computer and could produce two sine signals with its phase and frequency adjusted , and could also exam - ine the phase and frequency of input signals .

  20. 传媒改革的方式选择决定了原有控制主体,即政治权力系统在机制调整中的核心地位,这限定了机制的调整是在既有的框架中做一些改良性的修正。

    The choice of the way to the mass media reforms decided the core position of the existent controlling subject , i.e. the political power system , which prescribed that the arrangements of the system is an adjusted revision in the existent frame .

  21. 主要内容包括:讨论了绿色营销绩效的控制主体、控制客体和控制基本程序;研究了绿色营销绩效的优化控制模型、系统叠代控制模型和反馈控制模型;

    It mainly includes the discussion of its control subject , object and basic procedures , the research of its model of optimization control , system substitution control and feedback control , the coordination and fuzzy control methods and other more practical control measures .

  22. 对多智能体的协作与协调机制进行了阐述,并对多智能控制主体的以物流和质量控制为核心的沥青混凝土路面机群施工过程的协调作业原理进行了详细的分析;

    Researching the cooperation and coordination function of Multi-Agent , at the same time , particularly analyzing the coordinating principle of Multi-Agent which was applied in the construction of asphalt concrete road surface , according to the controlling kernel of flowing material and constructing quality ;

  23. 同时,现实国有资产管理监督体制和双元控制主体矛盾导致内部控制不力等现实问题为公民介入国有资产评估活动提供了现实依据。

    At the same time , the realistic problem such as the management system of state-owned assets assessment and two-aspect control subject contradiction causing not control well is the realistic foundation that the citizen has the right to get involved in the state-owned assets assessment .

  24. 文章从内部财务控制主体与客体、内部财务控制目标与重点、内部财务控制方法、内部监督机制与财务人员职业道德规范几个方面构建了石油销售企业内部财务控制体系。

    Therefore , this paper raised the scheme of establishing inner financial control system for petroleum sales enterprises in aspects of its subject and object , purposes and emphases , concrete methods , inner supervision mechanism , professional ethics of financial personnel , and so on .

  25. 控制主体方面,分析了组织层和实施层在招标阶段成本控制中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了解决控制主体问题的制度保障&招标策划制度和合同交底制度的建立。

    On the controlling body side , the author analyses the problem about the organizational layer and the implement layer during the cost control at tendering stage , and then provides the management system & bidding planning system and contract explanation system for solving the above problem .

  26. 同时,当这些策略应用于IBMNAS主体时,它们就可以控制该主体的密码的工作方式。

    These policies , when applied to the IBM NAS principal , control the manner in which the principle 's password works .

  27. 设计以ip-iq电流检测算法和滞环比较控制为主体的静止无功发生器控制流程。

    Design the control process of SVG based on i_p-i_q current detection algorithm and hysteresis comparison and control .

  28. 桥梁的桩基础施工直接控制着主体工程的施工进度。

    Piles foundation construction determines the progress of main projects .

  29. 内部控制评审主体研究

    Study on Appraising Subject of Internal Audit

  30. 密码规则用于控制对主体密码的单项限制或检查项。

    A password rule governs a single restriction or checks on the principal 's password .