
  • 网络fantasyland;Neverland;Fantasy Land;Phantasialand;Dream World
  1. 而公园的一处地方真的就叫做梦幻乐园。

    Indeed , one place in the park is called Fantasyland .

  2. 香港迪士尼梦幻乐园装饰艺术

    Decorative Art of Hong Kong Disneyland Fantasyland Construction Project

  3. 自今年五月起,迈克尔杰克逊声名狼藉的梦幻乐园正式进入市场。

    Michael Jackson 's infamous Neverland Ranch has been on the market since May .

  4. 但即使它有可能实现,这样一个“梦幻乐园”将成为乌托邦还是反乌托邦呢?

    But even if it were possible , would such an " Everland " be a utopia or a dystopia ?

  5. 与酒店相连的的梦幻乐园具有独特的游乐设施,在此客人可获得完全不同的体验。

    Adjoining to the hotel is The Dream World-a unique resort complex that opens up an entirely different world of entertainment and excitement .

  6. 梦幻乐园是美国最豪华的房产之一。主要建筑有三层,六个卧室,七个洗手间,占地面积1170平方米。

    The Neverland Ranch is one of top luxury properties in the U.S. The main building has three floors , six bedrooms and seven bathrooms , with an area of 1170 square meters .

  7. 介绍了香港迪士尼梦幻乐园工程中的重点装饰艺术工艺,主要包括装饰砂浆、主题油漆、场景油漆、加颜色混凝土的施工技术。

    In this article , authors introduce major decorative art of Hong Kong Disneyland Fantasyland construction project , mainly including the construction of decorative plaster , theme paint , scenic paint and color concrete .

  8. 我们是临时住在被亚洲的神秘所包围的奇特美国梦幻乐园中的陌生人,看着一个怪诞角色组成的家庭努力对抗自己的怪异,最后胜利地团结在一起。

    We were strangers lodging in a strange American fantasyland wrapped in the enigma of Asia , watching a family of misfits come to grips with their oddities and unite in triumph at the end .

  9. 主题公园在上海的发展也经历了大起大落,在九十年代盛极一时的环球乐园、美国梦幻乐园和锦江乐园中,除了锦江乐园,其余两个都在经营了四年后以歇业收场。

    Theme park in Shanghai has also experienced the dramatic transformation . In the 1990s , the Universal Parks , American Dreamland and Jinjiang Amusement Park are flourished . At present , in addition to the Jinjiang Amusement Park , the rest are both bankrupt .