
  • 网络Daydream island
  1. 最惊心动魄的一场婚礼是在澳大利亚的“白日梦岛”举行的。当时他们在一个礁湖上,黄貂鱼和鲨鱼在他们身边游来游去。

    One of the most heart-stopping was in a lagoon with stingrays and sharks swimming past them in Daydream Island , Australia .

  2. 警方周一晚间已在蓝梦岛附近的伯尼达岛(NusaPenida)的潜水点MantaPoint救出了另外五名失踪的女性。

    The police rescued the other five women late Monday from Manta Point diving site in Nusa Penida , near Nusa Lembongan .

  3. 上周五,一个日本潜水组织的7名女性潜水者在蓝梦岛(NusaLembongan)潜水后没有返回。

    They were part of a group of seven Japanese women who didn 't return from a diving trip last Friday at Nusa Lembongan .

  4. 自从我们去了梦之岛后。

    Ever snce the day we went to y ume sand .

  5. 茵梦湖岛我将要动身去茵梦湖,在那里建座小屋,用粘土和树篱;

    The Lake Isle of Innisfree By William butler yeats I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree , And a small cabin build there , of clay and wattles made ;