
  1. 这个梦得足够高远,那才能激励你。

    Your dream must be big enough to inspire you .

  2. 我就梦得如此强悍,梦得如此勇敢,梦得如此真实。

    Who dreamt a dream so strong , so brave , so true .

  3. 我们希望你的产品有巨大的潜力,而且可能成为别人的平台&比如说FACEBOOK或者TWITTER。不要担心把梦做得太大。

    We want to understand that your product has really big potential and could be a platform possibly for others & like Facebook or Twitter . Don 't be afraid to dream a bit .

  4. 你可能觉得自己白日梦做得太离谱。

    You may think that your dream is impossible to achieve .

  5. 我决定让她的梦做得稍微久一点,就同意提交我的申请了。

    I decided to let her dream a little bit longer , and I agreed to submit my application .

  6. 几乎在我有记忆以来的所有岁月中,不丹就一直是一个梦熟悉得不能再熟悉的一个梦。

    Almost for as long as I could remember , Bhutan had been a dream and a remarkably familiar one .

  7. 有时候,由于要赶进度,这个梦做得还挺紧张。但是,它终究是一个梦。

    Sometimes the reality of the dream is stressful [ due to ] the schedule but it is still a dream .

  8. 并且通过与《西平乐》的比照,辨明了已成定论的周邦彦梦中得《瑞鹤仙》词的讹误。

    Combined with a comparison with Xi Ping Le , it shatters the rumor of the Ci entitled Rui He Xian composed in dreams by Zhou Bangyan .

  9. 我不觉得那是爱那只是个梦我们得抛开它我不想抛开它

    I don 't think it 's love . It 's a dream . We need to put it away . I don 't want to put it away .

  10. 然而残酷的现实把他们的梦击得粉碎,他们只能被迫回到原点,或者采用更为极端的方式来逃避现实。

    But the harsh reality hit their dreams to pieces , they will be forced back to square one , or adopt a more extreme way to escape indifference of reality .

  11. 但是这一类极端的情况极为罕见,愈来愈多的资料都能证明这样一种看法:大多数人的白日梦做得太少了,而不是太多了。

    But such extremes are relatively race , and there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it .

  12. “美国梦”搞得并不如“Strangelove”好,大概因为它缺乏一种冷酷批判的理性。

    " American Dreamz " isn 't nearly as good as " Strangelove ," perhaps because it lacks its merciless ironic detachment .

  13. 昨晚做了一个很奇怪的梦,奇怪得像是在拍电视剧。

    Yesterday night I had a strange dream , it seems as if screen teleplay .

  14. 一个有事业追求的人,可以把“梦”做得高些。

    The pursuit of a cause of the people , can " dream " doing higher .

  15. 但近日的一项调查表明,大学生们的“创业梦”因得不到应有的支持,还仅仅是个“梦”而已。

    But a recent survey has showed that such ambitions lack the required support and remain just that-dreams .

  16. 那天夜里我一夜无梦,睡得很好。因为那一天我起得太早,前一天晚上又睡得太少,耗尽了我的精力。

    I slept dreamlessly that night , exhausted from beginning my day so early , and sleeping so poorly the night before .

  17. 斋藤:在我的梦里,你得按我的规矩来。

    Saito : In my dream , you play by my rules .

  18. 答:我记不住我做的梦,我睡得特别死。

    Rupert : I don 't remember my dreams . I sleep like the dead .

  19. 最初,退伍军人管理医院的研究只对男人进行了研究,因为男人的梦研究起来容易得多。

    Initially the two VA researchers worked only with men , because the dreams of men are far easier to study .

  20. 他看见的这番景致,经常出现在梦里,闹得他几乎没法确定,现实里是否见过它。

    The landscape that he was looking at recurred so often in his dreams that he was never fully certain whether or not he had seen it in the real world .

  21. 意象叙事是《红楼梦》中运用得最富诗性,审美意味发挥得最淋漓尽致的艺术表现方式之一。

    Image narrative is one of the artistic expression ways which is the best poetic one of all in " A Dream of Red Mansions " and in which aesthetic means are brought into play most incisively and vividly .

  22. 得梦的先知可以述说那梦。得我话的人可以诚实讲说我的话。

    Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream , but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully .

  23. 实际上,在梦的第二部分梦者表现得很有意识,他可以说得很清楚,每一个字和语音语调都记得。

    In fact , in the second part of the dream the dreamer appears to be fully conscious , he can speak clearly , to the point that the single words and the intonation of his voice can be remembered .

  24. 梦里梦到醒不来的梦,得不到的永远在骚动。

    Dream dream not to wake up the dream , not forever in the commotion .

  25. 我只是记得我年轻时候做的梦比我现在做的梦记得清楚得多。

    I just remember that my dreams when I was younger appear to be more vivid than what they are now .