
mènɡ zhōnɡ rén
  • sweetheart that one dreams of
  1. 好吧,至少你得到梦中人了。

    Weii , at Ieast you have someone to dream about .

  2. 它是一种梦中人愈多愈高兴的情况。

    It 's a case of the more the merrier .

  3. 或许您的一句箴言惊醒梦中人

    You may be awakened by the Monitor a Touch

  4. 其结果证明我们每个人都有一个特殊的梦中人。

    Each of us , it turns out , has a special dream character .

  5. 因为在梦中人可以找到自己的问题的答案。

    Dreams give them time to find the answers to some of their problems .

  6. 声声唤取梦中人!

    Your calling can reach whom you dream !

  7. 我在等一个人一个模糊的梦中人柯布?

    I 'm waiting for someone . Someone from a half-remembered dream . Impossible .

  8. 望月的人应该是带着笑容的吧,否则怎会引起梦中人的笑容呢?

    Mochizuki who should be smiling in it , otherwise how could evoke dreamer 's smile ?

  9. 一个模糊的梦中人

    Someone from a half-remembered dream .

  10. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;

    Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one ,

  11. 五位艺术家也是卷入这场梦想游戏的梦中人。

    The five artists are among the dreamers who play the irrational game called " art " .

  12. 在碰到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先碰到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当。

    Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one , so .

  13. 对于普通人,睡醒后你感觉多么不开心,要看梦中人是谁。

    For people in general , how unhappy you feel after sleep depends on who is in the dream .

  14. 但相信:那一直坐在村庄的童年,是一曲惊醒梦中人的清歌。

    However , I believe : that has been sitting in the village of his childhood , is awakened one song Touch clearance .

  15. 最后引入饱受争议的红楼梦中人选秀活动,希望引起更深入的思考。

    Finally , talk about the reality show called " Human in Dream of Red Mansions " and want to arouse a more in-depth thinking .

  16. 我们每个人都有一个特别的梦中人,一个在我们的梦中出现、醒来时使我们感觉更开心的人。

    Each of us has a special dream character , a type of person whose appearance in our dreams makes us feel happier when we awake .

  17. 遇到梦中人之前,天主也许会安排我们先遇到别人;当终于遇见心仪的人时,便应心存感激!

    Touch encountered before , God may be arranged for us to encounter other people first ; favorite when people finally met , they should be grateful !

  18. 我知道我已经从你的梦境中走了出来,而你的梦中人也将永远不再是我,于是一种伤感、一种痛由然而生。

    I know I 've from your dreams , and your people will never is a sad , then I , a kind of pain from be born however .

  19. 唔,或许你的特别的梦中人昨夜未曾入梦来,或许只是没有足够的人进入你的梦境。

    Well , maybe your special dream character didn 't put in an appearance last night , or maybe there just weren 't enough people drifting through your dreams .

  20. 欧洲神话故事里梦魇和女妖是人们熟知的,但是还有更多与此相关的无名故事:在巴西,那个梦中人在白天是一只粉色的海豚,在晚上就变成了一个诱惑人的妖女;

    The incubus and the succubus are pretty familiar European tales , but there are plenty of more obscure ones , too . In Brazil , the nighttime visitor is a pink dolphin by day and a seductress by night .

  21. 我便会出现在你身边。我会做那个你梦中的人。

    I 'll be the man you 've always dreamed of .

  22. 梦中的人都会这么说。

    That 's the kind of thing people say in dreams .

  23. 现在你还拯救在你梦中的人。

    Now you 're saving people in your dreams too .

  24. 你梦中的人其实正梦着你。

    The one you dreamed is dreaming of you .

  25. 那个常常出现在你梦中的人也可能是常常让你无法入梦的人。

    That often appear in your dreams , people may also be always let you cannot dream man .

  26. 也许那梦中的人藏匿在白云深处,故揽了满眼的雾,迷了我归去的脚步。

    Perhaps the person of that in a dream hides deep place at the white cloud , past fog of the eyeful , was fond of me to return of footstep .

  27. 他在梦中感觉有人就躺在他旁边。

    In the dream he felt someone lying beside him .

  28. 只不过有些时候,梦中的那个人看上去不像自己而已。

    Delaney . Sometimes , however , you don 't look like yourself .

  29. 在梦中你找到人了吗?

    Do you ever find anyone in your dream ?

  30. 那天晚上,他再一次看见了那颗星星,以及以前梦中的所有人。

    Again at night he saw the star , and all that former company .