
  • 网络Morpheus;Oniros;Oneiroi;Onirii
  1. 该公司的最新款梦神(Morpheus)虚拟现实头盔可与PlayStationMove体感控制器协同工作,允许穿戴者使用自己的双手。

    The latest version of its Morpheus VR headset works in coordination with PlayStation Move controllers to allow the wearer to use his or her hands .

  2. 索尼电脑娱乐公司高级研发总监理查德o马克斯声称:如果买一台‘梦神’套装,把它联上PS4游戏机,无需设置任何驱动或下载任何东西就能用。

    When you buy a Morpheus kit and connect it to your PS4 , it just works without needing to set up any drivers or download anything , says Richard Marks , senior director of research and development at Sony Computer Entertainment .

  3. 梦神这种威严迫人的风度,就体现在多里斯的艺术上,而永垂不朽。

    Doric art has immortalized Apollo 's majestic rejection of all license .

  4. 聪明的梦神,把你带进我的梦中,给了我如此多的快乐,使我感到心满意足。

    Clever god brings you into my dream , giving me so much happiness and satisfaction .

  5. 但是,民歌同梦神型叙事诗对照之下是甚么呢?

    Yet what does folk song represent in contrast to epic poetry , which is wholly Apollinian ?

  6. 所以,梦神的力量,从我们手上夺去醉境的普遍性,使我们喜爱个别的东西;它把我们的同情心桎梏在个性上;

    Thus the Apollinian tears us out of the Dionysian universality and lets us find delight in individuals ;

  7. 要向全球玩家推出梦神,索尼还有大量工作要做。

    There is still much work to be done as Sony heads toward a global consumer launch for Morpheus .

  8. 但是,现在在梦神的感召下,他见到音乐变成象征的梦景。

    however , this music becomes visible to him again , as in a dream similitude , through the Apollinian dream influence .

  9. 席卷一切的梦神,无法将手下的幽灵禁锢在她混沌的势力范围之内,听任它们冲将出来,使现实生活受到属于内心世界之秘密的恐吓,此时的心境自然十分悲哀。

    The mind is in a sad state when sleep cannot control its ghosts and allows them to break free with their secrets .

  10. 想了解这一点,我们就必须把梦神阿波罗文化的艺术大厦一砖一石拆除,直至见到它所凭借的基础。

    In order to comprehend this we must take down the elaborate edifice of Apollinian culture stone by stone until we discover its foundations .

  11. 此时,安分守己的个人便陷入陶然忘我之境,顿然忘掉梦神的清规戒律了。

    The individual , with his limits and moderations , forgot himself in the Dionysian vortex and became oblivious to the laws of Apollo .

  12. 凡是属于希腊悲剧中梦神成份的对话部,在表面上总是简单的、明晰的、美丽的。

    Everything that rises to the surface in the Apollinian portion of Greek tragedy ( in the dialogue ) looks simple , transparent , beautiful .

  13. 因此,以我看,我只能把多里斯境界和多里斯艺术理解为梦神文化的惨淡经营的堡垒。

    The only way I am able to view Doric art and the Doric state is as a perpetual military encampment of the Apollinian forces .

  14. 就上述的特征而论,它应该被理解为从黑暗深渊里长出的梦神文化的花朵,

    which , according to the characterization given above , must be conceived as the blossom of the Apollinian culture springing from a dark abyss ,

  15. 反之,索福克勒斯的悲剧英雄的光辉形象,简言之,其化装的梦神成份,却是人窥见了自然的秘奥和恐怖之必然结果,

    Conversely , the luminous images of the Sophoclean heroes -- those Apollinian masks -- are the necessary productions of a deep look into the horror of nature ;

  16. 在梦神的爱美冲动统治下,荷马世界从青铜时代及其铁旦神统战争和严厉的民间哲学发展而成;

    how from the Iron Age , with its battles of Titans and its austere popular philosophy , there developed under the aegis of Apollo the Homeric world of beauty ;

  17. 一般地说,他表现得像史诗人物那样明确而清楚,这不得不归功于梦神阿波罗,因为梦神通过这象征现象对歌队指出它的酒神心情。

    That he can appear at all with this clarity and precision is due to dream interpreter Apollo , who projects before the chorus its Dionysian condition in this analogical figure .

  18. 因为,甚至欧里庇德斯,在某种意义上,也不过是一个伪装人物,通过他来发言的那位神,不是酒神,也不是梦神,而是一个崭新的灵物,名叫苏格拉底。这是一种新的对立。

    For in a certain sense Euripides was but a mask , while the divinity which spoke through him was neither Dionysus nor Apollo but a brand new daemon called Socrates .

  19. 在这种在陶醉中说出真理的艺术面前,假象之艺术的女神暗然失色!西列诺斯的智慧,对着这位静穆的奥林匹斯梦神高呼:“哀哉!哀哉!”

    The muses presiding over the illusory arts paled before an art which enthusiastically told the truth , and the wisdom of Silenus cried " Woe ! " against the serene Olympians .

  20. 因为梦神抚慰个人的方法,正是在人与人之间划下界线,再三要求人必须有自知之明和自制之力,从而使人记得这界线是最神圣的宇宙规律。

    It is Apollo who tranquilizes the individual by drawing boundary lines , and who , by enjoining again and again the practice of self-knowledge , reminds him of the holy , universal norms .

  21. 然而,梦神再度以个性原则之化身的姿态出现在我们面前。唯有这样,才能完全达到太一的终极目的,它通过假象而得救了。

    But Apollo appears to us once again as the apotheosis of the principium individuationis , in whom the eternal goal of the original Oneness , namely its redemption through illusion , accomplishes itself .

  22. 我们不妨设想这创造的过程大致如下,快乐的奥林匹斯神统,是通过梦神的爱美冲动,慢慢地从原来的恐怖的铁旦神统演变而成的,正如蔷薇的蓓蕾从多刺的丛林葩发那样。

    The Apollinian need for beauty had to develop the Olympian hierarchy of joy by slow degrees from the original titanic hierarchy of terror , as roses are seen to break from a thorny thicket .

  23. 同样,在梦神式希腊人看来,酒神文化的影响就似乎是铁旦的和野蛮的了,但同时他却不能不承认自己在心灵深处与那些倾覆了的铁旦神统和英雄们息息相通。

    The effects of the Dionysian spirit struck the Apollinian Greeks as titanic and barbaric ; yet they could not disguise from themselves the fact that they were essentially akin to chose deposed Titans and heroes .

  24. 直到我们重新发现这种二重性原来是希腊悲剧的根源和本质,是梦神型与酒神型两种彼此交错的艺术冲动之表现。

    that is , we discovered that the discrepancy was closely bound up with the very origin and essence of Greek tragedy , as the expression of two interacting artistic impulses , the Apollinian and the Dionysian .

  25. 然而,希腊的“意志”,到了梦神出现的阶段,这样热切地渴望现世生活,这位荷马英雄又觉得自己与生存意志吻合为一,所以生的哀歌也就成为生的礼赞。

    So impetuously , during the Apollinian phase , does man 's will desire to remain on earth , so identified does he become with existence , that even his lament turns to a song of praise .

  26. 直至他的末日,他也这样安慰自己:认为他的思辨乃是最高的音乐艺术,而且不相信梦神对他暗示的是指“平凡的通俗音乐。”

    Almost to the end he remained confident that his philosophy represented the highest art of the muses , and would not fully believe that a divinity meant to remind him of " common , popular music . "

  27. 中所描写的在高山草地上日中高卧那样。现在,梦神走近来了,用月桂枝触他一下,

    sunk down in sleep -- as Euripides describes him for us in the Bacchae , asleep on a high mountain meadow , in the midday sun -- and now Apollo approaches him and touches him with his laurel .

  28. 这里,在最崇高的艺术象征中,我们体会到了梦神的美之世界及其根基,西列诺斯的可怕的警句,我们凭直觉领悟到这两者的互相依存。

    Here we have , in a great symbol of art , both the fair world of Apollo and its substratum , the terrible wisdom of Silenus , and we can comprehend intuitively how they mutually require one another .

  29. 荷马的“素朴”的繁荣又被酒神文化的滔滔狂潮淹没了;于是梦神文化起来反抗这种新势力,终于达到多里斯艺术和多里斯世界观的威严。

    how this " naive " splendor was then absorbed once more by the Dionysian torrent , and how , face to face with this new power , the Apollinian code rigidified into the majesty of Doric art and contemplation .

  30. 当酒神的威力以我们所目睹之势,高涨起来,梦神也定必披上云彩,降临到人间,未来的世代行将见到他的最丰富最美丽的效果。

    Where the Dionysian powers rise up as impetuously as we experience them now , Apollo , too , must already have descended among us , wrapped in a cloud ; and the next generation will probably behold his most ample beautiful effects .