
  1. 能够从查尔顿爵士手中接过奖杯,我真心感到荣幸,那是我梦开始的地方。

    " To receive it from Sir Bobby , who was there when I first started , [ I am ] truly honoured ," he added .

  2. 这个硅谷奇才1976年在他父亲的车库中创建苹果公司,他推出了大受欢迎的麦金托什电脑,却在1985年被公司董事会解雇,现在他重返梦开始的地方。

    The Silicon Valley visionary who co-founded Apple in his father 's garage in 1976 , who launched the wildly successful Macintosh only to be booted by the corporate pinheads in 1985 , is back running his first love .