
  • 网络Obratnyy otschet;Moscow Mission;Mission to Moscow
  1. 但是,在莫斯科行动缓慢的人可能会高兴,因为迟到半个小时是完全可以接受的,而在摩洛哥你可以任意迟到一个小时或者一天,其他人甚至连眼都不会眨一下。

    However tardy timekeepers may be glad to know over in Mexico , turning up half an hour late is entirely acceptable , and in Morocco you can be anything from an hour to a day late without anyone batting an eyelid .

  2. 博格斯表示,莫斯科银行救助行动引发了人们对于俄罗斯整个银行业的关联方贷款问题的“严重担忧”。

    Mr Borges said the bail-out raised " serious concerns " about related party lending throughout the Russian banking sector .

  3. 北约谴责说,莫斯科的军事行动是“过份的”,所以北约和俄罗斯的关系不能“一如既往”。

    At that time , NATO condemned Moscow 's military action as " disproportionate " and said it cannot continue " business as usual " with Russia .

  4. 欧盟政府领导人将于本周晚些时候会面,可能会扩大制裁对象范围,具体取决于未来几天莫斯科采取的行动。

    EU heads of government will meet later in the week and could expand the list of sanctions targets depending on the steps taken by Moscow in coming days .

  5. 在打电话之前,布什发表了一份措辞严峻的白宫声明。声明把莫斯科的军事行动,以及推翻格鲁吉亚民选政府的明显意图说成是在21世纪“不可接受的”行为。

    Mr. Bush , in a somber White House statement before that call , termed Moscow 's military drive and seeming effort to depose Georgia 's elected government " unacceptable " behavior in the 21st century .

  6. 莫斯科方面表示采取行动保护在乌克兰东部的俄罗斯公民和支持者们,克里表示这是一个不使用武力就能完成的目标。

    Moscow says it is acting to protect Russian citizens and sympathizers in eastern Ukraine , a goal Kerry said can be accomplished without the use of force .

  7. 俄罗斯国家反恐委员会表示,特种部队在莫斯科郊区进行围捕行动,两名武装分子死亡,一人被拘留。

    The national anti-terrorism committee says special forces killed 2 militants and detainees and detained rather a third person during a raid in a town on the outskirts of Moscow .