
  • 网络shark tale
  1. 店员:当然。《神鬼战士》和《鲨鱼黑帮》这两部片都晚了四天。

    Clerk : Sure . Gladiator and Shark Tale were both four days late .

  2. 我把《怪物史瑞克》前三部全部看了一遍,还看了《鲨鱼黑帮》。

    I watched all three Shrek movies and A Shark 's Tale .

  3. 有谁能铲除这些鲨鱼黑帮份子?

    Who can stop this shark menace ?

  4. 鲨鱼黑帮老大里诺(伯特·尼罗配音)儿子遭人杀害,奥斯卡被发现在案发现场出没。

    The son of shark boss Lino ( Robert DeNiro ) is found dead , and Oscar is discovered at the scene .