
  • 网络The Sukhothai
  1. 今年1月,当中金公司(cicc)在豪华的曼谷素可泰酒店(sukhothaihotel)召开季度董事会时,会上的气氛远远谈不上融洽。

    When CICC , the Chinese investment bank part-owned by Morgan Stanley of the US , held its quarterly board meeting in the opulent Sukhothai hotel in Bangkok in January , the mood was far from collegial .

  2. 母亲的家在英格兰利兹,附近最近的餐馆是几英里外一家名不见经传的小小泰餐馆,名叫素可泰(Sukhothai)。

    From my mother 's house in Leeds , England , the closest place was Sukhothai , a tiny nondescript Thai restaurant a few miles away .

  3. 2.素可泰(Sukhothai)约公元13世纪,在现如今的泰国土地上,第一个暹罗国形成了,素可泰就是它的政治行政首都。

    Around the 13th century AD , in the area we now know as Thailand , the first Siam Kingdom was formed , and its political and administrative capital was Sukhothai .

  4. 这个节日开始于素可泰,但是在泰国每个地方都会庆祝。

    The festival originates in Sukhothai , but is now celebrated throughout Thailand .

  5. 素可泰君王们也因为他们对水的把控力得到了普遍的认可。

    Sukhothai kings were acknowledged for their ability to seize and control the kingdom 's water .

  6. 虽然后来素可泰等城市又陆续重建了起来,但再也找不回曾经的繁华了。

    Sukhothai and other cities were later repopulated , but not to the extent they previously were .

  7. 全球变暖所引发的大洪水已经破坏了有着600年历史、曾经是泰国一代王朝首都的素可泰遗址。

    Floods attributed to global warming have already damaged a600-year-old site , Sukhothai , which was once the capital of a Thai kingdom .

  8. 在素可泰,我们看到了纯泰式文化和泰式建筑以及泰国水利工程的第一证据。

    In the city of Sukhothai we see the first evidence of a pure Thai culture and architecture , as well as Thai hydraulic engineering .

  9. 为了对素可泰时期卓越的文化和艺术给予应得的赞誉,联合国教科文组织在1991年宣布素可泰为世界文化遗产遗址。

    In order to give due recognition to the extraordinary arts and culture of the Sukhothai period , UNESCO declared Sukhothai a cultural World Heritage Site in1991 .

  10. 素可泰王朝在兰甘亨逝世后开始由盛转衰,各属国纷纷脱离中央的控制。公元1378年,在那莱大帝的统治下素可泰城开始衰落,到1583年,在大地震以及缅甸冲突的双重作用下,素可泰最终难逃覆灭。

    With the death of Ramkhamhaeng , the Sukhothai kingdom dissolved as vassal states broke away one by one . The city of Sukhothai fell under Ayutthayan control in 1378 AD , and by 1583 was deserted because of both a powerful earthquake and a Burmese conflict in the area .