
  • 网络chinese fever;Mandarin fever;Chinese hot;Chinese craze
  1. 中外文化交流的频繁兴起掀起了一场全球化的汉语热,越来越多的海外学习者选择来中国本土学习汉语。

    With the frequent communication between Chinese and foreign cultures , emerged a global " mandarin fever ", more and more foreign learners choose study Chinese in China .

  2. 随着中国经济、科技的飞速发展,汉语热在全球范围内不断扩大,学习汉语的人数急剧增多。

    With the rapid development of Chinese economy , science and technology , Mandarin fever is experiencing continuous expansion around the world and the number of Chinese learners is increasing sharply .

  3. 伴随全世界汉语热的发烧,HSK测试的需求日趋旺盛。

    Accompany with " Chinese Hot " develops around the world , the desire of the HSK test is gradually strong .

  4. 最近,全球“汉语热”持续高涨。

    The fad of Chinese learning recently heats up again and again .

  5. 近几年来,全世界范围内掀起了一场汉语热。

    In recent years , a Chinese hot has been immerged world around .

  6. 在全球语境下的汉语热

    " Chinese Fever " in the Process of Globalization

  7. 正在掀起的汉语热流行音乐批评

    Chinese Going Popular Criticism on popular music

  8. 现在世界上有汉语热,越来越多人学汉语。

    Now the world has " Chinese fever ", more and more people learn Chinese .

  9. 第一部分介绍了泰国中小学的汉语热。

    The first part describes the hot trend of Chinese learning in the primary and secondary schools .

  10. 在全球汉语热的影响下,学习汉语的人数越来越多。

    In the global " Chinese fever " effect , more and more number of people learning Chinese .

  11. 不可否认,汉语热的出现是我国综合国力不断增强的表现。

    Undoubtedly , the emergence of such a craze is the manifestation of our growing overall national strength .

  12. 全球汉语热背景下对外汉语教学新思考

    The New Thinking of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language under the Background in the " Chinese Fever "

  13. 随着汉语热在世界范围内的不断升温,汉语学习者也日趋呈现低龄化的态势。

    Along with " Chinese fever " continues to heat up worldwide , also showed a trend of lowering age .

  14. 近几年来,泰国也逐渐成为了世界上汉语热最典型的国家之一。

    In recent years , Thailand has gradually become one of the most representative locations for popular Chinese language use .

  15. 近些年来,全球范围内汉语热现象的普遍升温已是不争的事实。

    In recent years , the general warming of the global " Chinese fever " phenomenon is an indisputable fact .

  16. 目前,世界范围内的汉语热持续升温,学习汉语的外国人越来越多。

    Currently , the worldwide " Chinese fever " tide warms up continuously , more and more foreigners begin learning Chinese .

  17. 全球兴起的汉语热已不是一个新鲜词,但汉语热背后的学问却永无止境。

    The global rise of the " Chinese fever " is not a new word , but the knowledge behind is never-ending .

  18. 随着汉语热及教学交流的发展,有关对外汉语教学的研究渐趋专门化。

    With the development of Chinese hot and teaching exchanges , research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language is becoming specialized .

  19. 在全球汉语热浪潮的推动下,对泰汉语教学日益发展、蓬勃。

    Driven by the Global Chinese-learning tidal wave , Teaching Chinese as a second language to Thai students is making progress day by day .

  20. 如今,汉语热与汉语难同时成为留学生对汉语学习的定义。

    Nowadays ," Chinese hot " and " Chinese difficult " become the definition of foreign students in Chinese learning at the same time .

  21. 当然,无论在西方国家还是其他地方,汉语热都已随着中国大陆的爆炸式经济齐头并进。

    Of course , in the West and elsewhere , the study of Mandarin has certainly grown in tandem with the explosive mainland economy .

  22. 作为临近之邦、同属于汉文化圈的韩国,汉语热尤其旺盛。

    Korea , as the approaching state of China , belonged to the same Chinese cultural circles ," Chinese hot " is especially strong .

  23. 随着近年来出现的世界汉语热,越来越多的留学生来华学习汉语。

    The world Chinese which appeared along with the recent years was hot , more and more foreign students came to China to study Chinese .

  24. 随着中外贸易的不断增长,世界掀起了汉语热,全球学习汉语的热情不断高涨。

    With the growing of foreign trade , Chinese becomes more and more popular in the world . The enthusiasm of learning Chinese is soaring .

  25. 近年来,随着中国国力的提高,世界许多国家出现了汉语热的现象,汉语学习需求正在高速增长。

    In recent years , as China develops ," Chinese fever " appears in many countries of the world , demand for Chinese learning is growing rapidly .

  26. 美国乃至世界再度兴起汉语热,且热度一再高涨,至今没有退潮。

    The United States and the world rise again " Chinese hot ", and the heat is rising again and again , so far no ebb tide .

  27. 而在韩国,这股汉语热促使更多的韩国高中生选择汉语作为自己的第二外语。

    In South Korea , this " Chinese Fever " impels more senior middle school students to choose Chinese as their second foreign language ( FL ) .

  28. 随着汉语热在全世界的不断升温,来中国学习汉语的各国留学生人数也与日俱增。

    With the growing popularity of Chinese language all over the world , the number of students from various countries for learning Chinese in China is also increasing .

  29. 如今,中国再次登上了世界的舞台。在全球,再次刮起了中国风、汉语热。

    Nowadays , China has once again come onto the world stage and once again in the world the " Chinese wind "," Chinese fever " is sweeping .

  30. 近年来,随着汉语热的兴起及其迅猛发展,对外汉语教学日渐成为人们关注的焦点。

    In recent years , with the rise and rapid development of the " Chinese fever ", Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language is becoming the focus of attention .