
  • 网络hanzheng street
  1. 汉正街原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街。

    Hanzheng Street was a narrow , broken and old before .

  2. 汉正街社区教育实践的启示

    The Enlightenment From the Community Education Practice in Han-zheng Street

  3. 专业市场与产业集群发展&对汉正街都市工业区发展的思考

    Speciality Market and the Development of Industrial Cluster

  4. “欧洲中小企业园”,将是汉正街都市工业区着力打造的一张“国际名片”。

    European medium and small-sized enterprises park will be an international card of han-zheng street city park .

  5. 居于闹市汉正街&传统商住混合区人居环境研究

    Living in Downtown Area of Hanzhengjie & Research on Residential Environment of Traditional Hybrid Area of Commerce and Residence

  6. 文章从历史研究和社会研究的视点出发,力图揭示几百年来武汉市汉正街地区空间演变的内在逻辑。

    Based on the historical study and social analysis , this article reveals the inner logic of spatial transformation over the past several hundred years of the Hanzhengjie district in the city of Wuhan .

  7. 第4章重点是对现状的调研,评析1988年至今的改造更新实践的优缺,以及现今,汉正街所面临的各种不利局面。

    Chapter 4 of the present situation of the research focus is on since 1988 , analyze the advantages and disadvantages of reconstruction and renovation practice , and today , facing financing of negative situation .

  8. 因为其商业性质,同时也形成了很多极具异乡特色的历史街区,有些还一直保存到现在,汉正街宝庆街区就是其中的典型代表,为本文的研究对象。

    Due to its commercial character , it had have a lot of historical districts in different feature . And few of these streets have been preserved up to now . Baoqing community is one of the typical examples .

  9. 笔者希望通过对这种现象的研究,引发人们更多的思考。由于之前对汉正街近代里分并无任何研究,本文只是一个初步的尝试,仍存在一些不足。

    I hope that through the study of this phenomenon can make more sense . However , the research is just a preliminary attempt and there must be some defects on account of the complexity and long duration of transformation .