
  1. 汉代漆器也是以黑红为主色。

    Han Dynasty lacquer ware mainly used black and red colors .

  2. 汉代漆器的剖析

    Analysis of Chinese Lacquer Wares from Han Dynasty

  3. 汉代漆器工艺进入到了一个空前绝后的鼎盛时期。

    The development of lacquer technology has entered its most prosperous stage in the Han dynasty .

  4. 汉代漆器不仅生产规模大,产量多,在生产技术上也有很高的水平。

    In Han Dynasty there is not only a large scale of production but also a high level of productive technology .

  5. 设计及制作实践丰富了髹漆饰品的装饰纹样,也为汉代漆器装饰纹样在现代设计中的传承应用进行了有意义和有成效的尝试。

    It enriches the research of the lacquer decorative patterns , and provides references for modern designers . It is also a meaningful and effective attempt to heritage Han lacquer decorative patterns in modern designs .

  6. 全文纵观汉代漆耳杯的发展历程,从造型、纹样及工艺等方面展开个案化及类型化的分析和研究,并对其在汉代漆器发展中的地位做出可靠的定位。

    Throughout the Han Dynasty of lacquer eared cups development course , from the styling , pattern and technology and other aspects of analysis and research , and the Han Dynasty lacquer ware development status to make reliable positioning .