
hàn zì xìn xī chǔ lǐ
  • Chinese Character Information Processing;Chinese-character coding/processing
  1. 未配置汉卡AppleII微型机实现常用汉字信息处理的软件设计

    Software design for Apple II microcomputer to achieve common Chinese character information processing without Chinese character card

  2. 本文介绍在unix支持下的一种汉字信息处理系统,此系统是在CODATAM68k上用C语言实现的,它的副本被拷贝于5(1/4)时的脱机软盘上。

    This paper describes a Chinese information processing system supported by Unix and implemented by c language .

  3. 阐述了日文MS-DOS上实现中文汉字信息处理的设计思想及所要解决的关键问题,具体讨论了汉字内码体系结构及与日文DOS的接口。

    The design and realization of Chinese , Japanese and English character compatible operating system ( NiHao-FP ) are presented . The internal code structure and the interface of Japanese MS - DOS are discussed in detail .

  4. 轮廓字形的笔划抽取是汉字信息处理中的一个重要问题。

    Stroke extraction is an important problem in Chinese Information Processing .

  5. 一个适用汉字信息处理的程序语言

    A Programming Language Suitable to Chinese Character Information Processing

  6. 激光印字机的汉字信息处理

    The Chinese Characters Processing Used in the Laser Printer

  7. 造词是汉字信息处理系统中的重要组成部分。

    The word-making is an important part of Chinese character information processing system .

  8. 插接兼容技术是汉字信息处理领域一种新技术。

    Plug compatibility is a new technigue in the information processing of chinese characters .

  9. 通用型汉字信息处理系统

    General-purpose Chinese character information processing system

  10. 电子计算机汉字信息处理中的编码问题和自动识别探讨

    Investigation of the coding problem about the electronic computer Chinese character information processing and automatic recognition

  11. 这种结构对于绝大多数的微型计算机系统的汉字信息处理是一种行之有效的办法。

    This modified structure is a useful device for Chinese , character processing in most micro-computers .

  12. 汉字信息处理领域中急待解决汉字自动阅读技术的开发。

    The Chinese character automatic reading technique is a pressing technique in Chinese information processing field .

  13. 汉字信息处理系统设计

    Design of Chinese Character Information Processing

  14. 本文介绍在微型计算机汉字信息处理系统中所使用的汉字库。

    This paper introduces the Chinese characters bank used in the information processing system in a microcomputer .

  15. 本章从字源、结构对称性、汉字信息处理三个方面对差异字形提出规范建议;第六章为结语。

    This chapter we give specification recommends from Ziyuan , structural symmetry and character information processing . The sixth chapter is conclusion .

  16. 它的研究对汉字信息处理自动化及开拓新一代计算机的智能输入都有着重要意义。

    The research on off-line handwritten Chinese character recognition is quite significant for the automatic processing of Chinese character information and the development of intelligent input of the new generation computer .

  17. 在本文中,我们介绍了一种汉字信息处理系统的软件,它包括有监控、文本编辑、文件管理、打印控制及中文资料检索等。

    In this paper the software for the information processing system of Chinese characters is introduced . It includes monitor , text editing , file management , print control , data retrieval etc.

  18. 最后例举和不重数集在研制电脑中医、计算机汉字信息处理以及质量检查等工作中的实际应用。

    At last , some application , examples of such number sets in developing electronic brain for traditional Chinese medicine , computer information processing of Chinese characters and industrial quality check are given .

  19. 在论文第一部分中,以我国电子出版技术的演变为线索,沿着计算机汉字信息处理技术多媒体技术网络出版技术的路径,探讨我国电子出版业从无到小、从小到大的发展历程。

    Part one is an examination on the development history of Chinese electronic publishing industry , by the journey of " Chinese character information processing technology of computer multimedia technology network publishing technology " .

  20. 本文从实际出发,介绍了破减量测控系统中实时数据处理技术,讨论了有关汉字信息处理,实时数据显示,软件设计方法。

    This paper , based on practical applications , presents the real - time data processing techniques in base reduction control system and discusses methods of Chinese character information processing , real-time data display and software design .

  21. 研讨在不改计算机原操作系统及运行环境的情况下,在西文终端级实现汉字信息处理的方法,并在此基础上,提出对多种文字信息进行处理的方法。

    This thesis deliberates to achieve the characters information processing method on terminal level without changing the original operation system and environment , and advances a method of processing varied character informations on the basis of the above method .

  22. 首先分别分析宋体差异字形特点和楷体差异字形特点,接着从历史因素、语言文字政策、汉字信息处理角度去探讨差异字形原因;第五章为规范建议。

    First , analysis the characteristics of " Songti " difference-shaped and the characteristics of " Kaiti " difference-shaped , Then to explore the reason from historical factors , language policy , the Chinese Information Processing . The fifth Chapter is specification recommends .

  23. 鉴于目前汉字信息处理在汉语词的识别、汉字分类和处理的经济性三方面存在困难,作者提出一种新的中文信息媒体&AP语言处理法。

    In view of the difficulties found in the three aspects of the present information processing of Chinese characters & distinguishing Chinese words , classifying the characters and economic benefit in processing , we have proposed a new medium of Chinese information , called the processing method of AP language .

  24. 九十年代中后期,伴随着语义学、语用学以及认知语言学、心里语言学和计算语言学在国内的兴起,人们又将歧义研究广泛深入应用于计算机语义识别、自动分词、机器翻译等汉字信息处理领域。

    During the mid-and semantics , language and linguistics used to learn knowledge , my mind the linguistic and computational linguistics in domestic rise and will study the extensive application claims on the semantics and the automatic recognition of participle and the machine translation etc. the field of information processing .

  25. 关于计算机汉字信息输入处理的一个新模型

    A new mathematical model of Chinese character information input processing

  26. 汉字信息输入处理数学模型的研究

    On the Mathematical Model of Chinese Character Imformation Input Processing

  27. 论汉字信息的联想输入处理技术

    On The Context Input Process Technique of Chinese Information

  28. 我的五种能力有所增强,无论是英语运用还是汉字书写能力、信息处理能力、职业汉语能力都有了大大提高!

    I have enhanced the ability of five , whether it is English or Chinese characters written application , information processing ability , professional Chinese capacity has been greatly improved !

  29. 计算机汉字输入是计算机汉字信息处理的基本问题。

    Chinese character input is the basic problem of chinese information processing .

  30. 本文讨论了大型计算机分时系统加接汉字终端及开发汉字信息处理功能的一种方法&规程仿真。

    This article discusses a protocal emulation in which Chinese character terminals and Chinese character processing functions are able to be incorporated into large-scale time-sharing computer systems .