
  1. 汉武帝元光二年(公元前133年)以前,基本上实行与匈奴“和亲”的政策;

    133 BC ago , the Western Han Dynasty carried out the policy of allied marriage .

  2. 汉武帝元鼎六年(前121年)置张掖郡,取“张国臂掖,以通西域”之意。

    Emperoryuan ding six years ( 121 years ago ) Zhangye County home , check " Zhang Yedan arm to pass in the Western Regions " means .

  3. 汉俄二元化饮食习惯形成的主要原因是早期民族间交往少,自然环境特殊。

    The primary cause of form the Chinese Russia dualization diet habit is few associates between the early nationality and the special natural environment .

  4. 7种黄酮类化合物亲和力的排列顺序为:白杨素>汉黄芩苷元>红花素>黄芩素>5,6,7三羟基4′甲氧基黄酮>异红花素>白杨素7葡萄糖醛酸苷。

    Based on binding to BZD S , the order of the affinity among these compounds was chrysin > wogonin > carthamidin > scutellarein > 5,6,7 trihydroxy 4 ′ methoxyflavone > isocarthamidin > chrysin 7 O β D glucuronide .

  5. 第二,藏汉中学生的数学元认知与数学成绩成正相关。

    Second , mathematical metacognition of Zang-Han junior and senior students and mathematical achievements are positively relevant .

  6. 客家民系在畲汉人民联合抗元斗争中发展壮大

    The Development and Strength of the Hakkas in the She Nationalty and the Han Nationalty Boycotted the Yuan Dynasty

  7. 在入主中原汉地期间,元统治者逐步将山西地区变成开展军事、政治与经济活动的重要地区。

    In the Mongol-Yuan Period , the Mongol rulers gradually made Shan-hsi Region change in to an important terrain in carrying out military , political and economic activities .

  8. 本文通过汉、唐、元、清几个朝代的屯垦移民论述新疆屯垦与新疆汉语的关系,以及新疆汉语方言的形成。

    This article discusses the relationship between replaced settlers and Xinjiang Chinese as well as the fomation of Xinjiang dialect on the basis of literature about station troops in the Han , Tang , Yuan and Qin Dynasties .

  9. 贾谊生于汉高祖刘邦七年(前200),卒于汉文帝前元十二年(前168),处于先秦《诗》学向汉代《诗》学发展的重要时期。

    Jia Yi was born seven years , the Han emperor Liu Bang ( 200BC ), died of Han Wen Yuan years ago ( 168BC ), in Pre-Qin Poetry to the Han Dynasty Poetry important period of development .